The end is coming! Enjoy it!

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I love this thread!

What I don't get is that if people believed this Mayan calendar/ end of the world thing, why don't they believe in all the Mayan gods and believe the things the Mayans believed.
^ ^

Just think of all those people who spent millions of dollars on missile silos that they've converted to bomb shelters. The guys who were set to last through the Apocalypse. Wonder what the after market value is now?
Fair point, lol... Well, guess my response would be as a friend of mine used to jokingly say, "You just can't fix stupid."

Seriously though, my best guess would be to say its like a lot of things in various societies. We pick and choose what we want to learn from other societies/cultures to suit our purposes (whatever they may be) and leave the rest behind. Example, I love authentic Chinese and Japanese food, and while I don't dispute nor understand the Yin Yang philosophy of foods, I don't have intentions of learning it either. I know.... Shame on me... I probably really should.
I love this thread!

What I don't get is that if people believed this Mayan calendar/ end of the world thing, why don't they believe in all the Mayan gods and believe the things the Mayans believed.

Uhh.. perhaps because Human sacrifices are illegal in most states?
Not to mention the Walmart quit carrying Magic Mushrooms.
I love this thread!

What I don't get is that if people believed this Mayan calendar/ end of the world thing, why don't they believe in all the Mayan gods and believe the things the Mayans believed.

A serious answer for your question....

Many people in the world do believe in the ancient concepts. There aren't many Mayans alive now that have the true actual knowledge and the ones that do do not share it. They don't share it because non-believers don't want to hear it and react badly to the ideas.

We don't really know what the ancient Mayas believed or what Gods they worshiped. All we know is what some modern researchers interpret what they think was written. No real proof that what they say is written is what the ancient people believed or knew.

All around the world native peoples still believe in things our modern society thinks are just silly stories. But to those people the idea that the Mayan's could have known the world would end today is very real.

I'm not talking about people that run around saying the world will end on a calendar date i'm trying to point directly at your question about people not believing in all the "Gods" and stuff. Many people do, here is an example...Schools closed in Peru just in case!
Are you all still here!? :mad:
I was going to go by e-spice's and Dot's places to pick over the remaining phrags after the Apocalypse! :p

CRAP! I guess we will have to work together. You can have everything East of the Mississippi River.
Nobody ever said which time-zone the end was coming. Here in EST you have 11 minutes to fight me off...:fight:
Nobody ever said which time-zone the end was coming. Here in EST you have 11 minutes to fight me off...:fight:

The correct timezone is MST. We tend to call it "Mountain Standard Time" but it really stands for "Mayan Standard Time".

But the real issue is we don't know how or if they used Daylight Savings Time or not. Then there is the issue of which direction did they leap years?
The correct timezone is MST. We tend to call it "Mountain Standard Time" but it really stands for "Mayan Standard Time".

But the real issue is we don't know how or if they used Daylight Savings Time or not. Then there is the issue of which direction did they leap years?
It's 12:20 am, Dec. 22 and I'm still here (and so are my Phrags...)
What I don't get is that if people believed this Mayan calendar/ end of the world thing, why don't they believe in all the Mayan gods and believe the things the Mayans believed.

I give a lot of thought to such questions and my conclusion, from reading loads of literature and questioning their premises, is that people believe what they want to believe. Its that simple.

I know people who hold mutually exclusive ideas and practice both as if they are true without any difficulty. The conflict is simply ignored because they want to ignore, or rather, because they want to behave as they do and those beliefs enable them to do so.

Why people want to believe in the end the world is very interesting to me. I look forward to the Rapture (some days more than others) but I still want the sun to rise tomorrow. I believe there will be a tomorrow and can't understand why someone would want to believe there won't.

This has been a very entertaining thread and I'm clad we can look forward to Christmas---or rather all the yummy food! I don't care much for the idea of Christianized-pagan-holiday-bunk but the food is good.
Yup, still here and it's Saturday morning. Too cold to check on my neighbors so their on their own... LOL...
The morning light has arrived, so we know there is still light.

It rained all night....
A little worried because it "Never rains in California".

Do we know for sure the world will end in heat and fire or will it be a flood?

OH MY! What shall we do?......

;) no coffee for me.

actually it was interesting hearing a complete or at least in-depth historical collection of how many christmas traditions came to be; for example in goth times every so few years certain tribal 'people' would execute slaves and toss their various parts onto special oak trees to appease the nature gods or some such thing (ew, pretty brutal). a father or priest saw this and condemned the practice so at some point they started putting pretty things on evergreens (not without great reluctance at first, however)

christmas was not really celebrated like it was today, easter was much more important. there was never any real ballyhoo (puritans tried to outlaw the drunken celebrations at christmastime for quieter pursuits) until department stores in the 1800's sometime started making big displays and such with camels, wise men and all that just to create more of a stir for people to buy more goods (which they have continued to do with reckless abandon).

saint nicholas was actually a brother/priest who vehemently spoke out against those who verbally negated the deity of christ

I heard that the mayans and their calendar were simply at the end of one age and it was the beginning of the other. People who like to believe in things which cause people to run around in panic, ended up amending the general story that the 'world might end', because that is so much more dramatic and all and of course has better ratings and will sell more copy/draw more hits on websites. Some people (like pointed out above) have deep superstition and are easily panicked, and seem to want to live in a near-state of panic all of the time. these sorts of people love to watch the news all the time, and become hysterical and seem to enjoy it somehow. others just don't have general knowledge of how things really work, so don't really know if something could be true or not, and of course if so many people are jumping up and down in fear, then there 'just might' be some truth to it (?) for them (and no negatives towards these people, just that they don't know and that makes them open to incorrect assumptions). some people just like to spread tall, fearful tales and sit back and watch while others run around like chicken little, just because it makes them feel like they have power to influence others to react like that

I would rather spread knowledge so that others can grow/flower better orchids, and post them here so that we all can enjoy! (also like to share recipes so that we can all enjoy goodies :) )

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