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I had a stomach ache from the two sticks of butter and all the cream cheese my brother used when he cooked my wife ... :)

What..?your brother coocked your wife?!!! :rollhappy: :poke:

Appart from jokes,I find facebook,as all social network a good "agenda" and way to find good contacts around the world...all other uses are waste of time somehow...maybe sometimes to send a fast message or get organized to do something if have no money in my HP :rollhappy:

After your post I am adding many new ST member to my list!
I'm the "first Italian contact". :D
By all means, if anyone else wants to post a link to their facebook account we can all add each other.
I had a stomach ache from the two sticks of butter and all the cream cheese my brother used when he cooked my wife and I dinner last night. It's not like I was asking for prayers to heal my tummy ache. :)


There are both very good physicians who may be able to help you with your dietary choices and a wide range of spiritual leaders that might also pitch in with petitioning your selected deity with prayer.

I wish you the best on both. :poke:
Allright, I'll post mine. I'm bored and I actually like FB. Sort of, although lately I get all sorts of updates on the high school interns I manage and they are not exactly the type of things I want to read about. I recently hid my step-daughter's posts because I could no longer handle reading the terrible spelling and grammar. It gives me heartburn when wondering what sort of school or potential employer might see it.

Like many here, I don't use facebook much, except to keep track of the nephews and nieces. I do plan on posting more pictures there, but so far haven't made the time. My cousin and a few others often post, sometimes pretty interesting threads, sometimes humor or sarcasm, but nothing too mushy. Of course I blocked Farmville and Mafia Wars. Don't need to know everyone's scores.

So John & Heather, I sent you friend requests :)
Thank God there are others who hate Facebook--I thought it was just me! I like email better so I thought it was just my age & I was living in the dark ages!! I seldom if ever go on it anymore.
I've avoided facebook like The Plague. I first joined when it was just starting to get noticed. The woodwork took notice and sent people I'd spent decades avoiding. :rollhappy: Sooo...I deleted my account, or so I thought. Getting rid of my facebook account turned out to be a little more difficult than I had anticipated. When I finally succeeded in obliterating all traces of it, my sigh of relief could have been mistaken for the winds of Krakatoa.

Now the clamor has begun for me to join again, mostly from the nieces and nephews but from dear friends and acquaintances as well. I, too, hate the religious slush and prayers, the nonsensical gibberish, and the flagrant blathering of political ideologies not identical to my own. :evil: Recently I've made the decision to keep my trap shut for the most part (although you'd never know it by evidence of this post), especially when it comes to matters of religion and politics. I'll join facebook and be a silent orchidist friend just as soon as I've perfected my practice of selective reticence. :)
You know, you can click the "x" next to offensive posts and choose "hide all post from annoying religious tea-party relative/friend" and no longer have to view them, right? I've had to do that a lot. It's a good way to get rid of them without offending them.

I just downright deleted all of my distant relatives and friends I will probably never see again. Made no sense to keep them on the list.

The people on my list now are the people I truly care about hearing from. I want to see their photos and hear what's going on with them. Unfortunately, a few well meaning individuals are on a kick of posting political and religious posts at a frequency that would rival the pace of a talkative meth addict. I can't delete them or I miss out on the real news, and I can't just ask them to tone it down, cause of free speech and all that.

I consider my problem solved. This morning I logged in and the usual posts on my page were drowned out with pictures of glorious orchids and related tidbits of info. Best Facebook session in a long time. :)
I don't face book, but my wife does. It's our primary way to keep up with the boys (especially when they are overseas). I once used my wife's account to look up an old buddy from High School, who had moved to Hawaii many years ago, but once I contacted him we switched to regular email for correspondence.

It's kind of funny but a friend of mine calls it "Sit on My Face Book" for all the reasons we've covered.

This site keeps me way too busy for regular social networking.
Today was a busy friending day on facebook for orchid folks.

Anyone know what lindas trias plantas means?
Today was a busy friending day on facebook for orchid folks.

Anyone know what lindas trias plantas means?

Linda's three plants???

There is an orchid genera called Trias, which has roughly triangular flowers.
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