How's the weather?

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What a nightmare! 2-3 feet of snow, 80 mile an hour winds and no power!
Not something I want to deal with but certainly not anything I want on any one else either!
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It all ended up OK. Regardless of official readings, my guess is that my neighborhood ended up with maybe 8" or so. My son in Boston (Brookline, really) said he had about 2 feet...official Boston report said 21", but I assume that was from the airport. Conn. got 38"!
Well it's been snowing for close to 6 hours, have 6 inches and another 6 hours before the system moves out of here! February has been crazy, it was 50 degrees two days ago!
Wow!!! St. Louis is just missing it from what I hear, but the forecast changed from just rain to all snow now for the next 3 days.
The beauty and misery of winter...

The misery will come later today when I try to clear out the driveway with the snow packing up the auger. :sob:


Looks like the trade winds are backing off a bit. highs today high 70's and low last night was 61. Only passing showers, looking like more sun and longer days, seeing lots of buds popping and tons of new growth...
Sunny. 52F.
Warm enough for some small turtle to be sunbathing at the local pond.

Yesterday, 2-3" of snow.
again crazy here 14 days ago -12C last weekend snow fully gone and + 15C this night they are calling for -12C again and we have snow since yesterday again.

here some impressions about the winter from me.
was taken 2 weeks ago had no time to work on my pics.

´my birds

some birds at my feeding station

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