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    • orchidlife
      orchidlife replied to the thread Hello from Wa.
      I agree with the hands on to know the plants! I get to see baby buds that way and follow all the way to fruition.
    • orchidlife
      orchidlife replied to the thread Hello from Wa.
      Yes I generally water by hand to get a good pour through. Alot are in trays so they are easiest. I water alot in summer. Think painting...
    • orchidlife
      orchidlife reacted to Ray's post in the thread Hello from Wa with Like Like.
      Right you are! I missed that photo and was only looking at those in the later post.
    • orchidlife
      orchidlife reacted to Morja's post in the thread Hello from Wa with Like Like.
      They are lovely!
    • orchidlife
      orchidlife replied to the thread Hello from Wa.
      Good eye and yes thats one of my miltoniopsis in flower as well as these!
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    • orchidlife
      orchidlife reacted to Morja's post in the thread Hello from Wa with Like Like.
      First big group picture. It's in a white pot next to the pink blooming miltoniopsis (I think)
    • orchidlife
      orchidlife reacted to big923cattleya's post in the thread Hello from Wa with Like Like.
      "Orchiditis" speciosa is the disease. There is no known cure. How sad are we? We only seem to feel better if we buy more orchids. One...
    • orchidlife
      orchidlife replied to the thread Hello from Wa.
      Original picture I posted
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    • orchidlife
      orchidlife replied to the thread Hello from Wa.
      Just looked in the centerish of that picture! The tall plant you mean?Thats not a paph but a dendrobium nobile
    • orchidlife
      orchidlife replied to the thread Hello from Wa.
      Thank you, yes and yes. Yes they are all healthy(fingers crossed that continues) and yes there are a plethora of blooms out now! I have...
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    • orchidlife
      orchidlife replied to the thread Hello from Wa.
      Welcome from Ca. I grow pretty much all my orchids exclusively under lights in my 'orchid room' accept cymbidiums, large zygos and some...
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    • orchidlife
      orchidlife replied to the thread Phrags under lights.
      I have the fan on the left which should be spiking pretty soon it looks like so fingers crossed I have flowers from this plant for a while!
    • orchidlife
      orchidlife replied to the thread Phrags under lights.
      Just thought I would add some flower pics of Nicolle Tower I took today
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    • orchidlife
      orchidlife reacted to lori.b's post in the thread An AM for my Paph. liemianum! with Like Like.
      Thank you and btw I didn't know primulinum is fragrant, so I learned something new today. My liemianum has been with me for five years...
    • orchidlife
      That is a Super Nice flower and great background plants!
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