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    • Stone
      Stone replied to the thread Pale leaves with green veining.
      You said.... ''No potting medium is “buffering” the applied solution that quickly,'' I said.... ''Of course they take up buffered...
    • Stone
      Stone replied to the thread Pale leaves with green veining.
      Eh? Roots take up water as long as it is removed from their leaves - which is almost constantly. Of course they take up buffered...
    • Stone
      Stone replied to the thread Pale leaves with green veining.
      Growing hydroponically - which is what you are talking about - (There is no such thing as ''semi hydro''. If your plant relies on...
    • Stone
      I think it might be too late to save it. Once the rot gets into the rhizome it is almost impossible to stop if there are no unaffected...
    • Stone
      Stone replied to the thread Pale leaves with green veining.
      Fe In hydroponics Fe can be very unstable. The best is the FeEDDHA chelated iron because the FeEDTA breaks down quickly at pH values...
    • Stone
      Stone replied to the thread Pale leaves with green veining.
      No one said it was.
    • Stone
      Stone replied to the thread Pale leaves with green veining.
      You would have to be pretty sensitive to take the word ''crazy'' (in this context) literally. It was neither insulting nor narrow...
    • Stone
      Stone replied to the thread Pale leaves with green veining.
      When you grow hydroponically, your fertilizing has to be spot on since there are no colloides for cation exchange and buffering. No...
    • Stone
      Stone reacted to tnyr5's post in the thread Small blooming growths with Like Like.
      Yep. It's usually a result of light being on the higher side of what they can handle and/or environmental conditions that trigger their...
    • Stone
      Stone replied to the thread Small blooming growths.
      Speculation... Flowering is triggered by hormone secretion driven by environmental factors. Therefore, it may be that when our plants...
    • Stone
      Stone replied to the thread Paph. delenatii question.
      That depends on your water, your fertilizer and your potting mix. That is an unqualified, sweeping comment by those two authors. Eg., If...
    • Stone
      Stone replied to the thread Question on pH and KH..
      There are 2 kinds of epiphytic orchids. The type which grow only on bark like Phalaenopsis or Vanda etc., and those which grow in...
    • Stone
      Stone replied to the thread Question on pH and KH..
      True but you still need to watch the P.
    • Stone
      Stone replied to the thread Question on pH and KH..
      Charles, as is done with hundreds of thousands of container growth plants in soilless mixes around the world every year, calcium and...
    • Stone
      Stone replied to the thread Question on pH and KH..
      They ''all worked'' because you supplied some N to a plant which would otherwise starve.. In the long run however, they would not work...
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