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meyers conservatory flask blowout sale

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Jan 22, 2008
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elmer, nj
I got an email today from Troy Meyers pointing out that due to having many extra flasks around for different reasons and that there are too many to repot before the end of the shipping season this year, they have quite a few flasks that are ready to go that are available for immediate shipment. They also have some seedlings and divisions, but if you like gongoras or stanhopeas (plus a good mix of different species) you should check out his website. The plant quality is always very good, and they pack things excellently to handle the weather this time of year. And if you're still dubious, I can guarantee that shipment from the west coast to the east coast via us mail priority mail almost always takes two days, and it's much less than the other guys.
check it out!


at the top of the above page/link is where the sale flasks are, and if you look for the seedlings link there are established seedlings ready for sale as well. he will have to ship before the end of the month so don't wait
Made out like a bandit on the 20.00 flasks,didn't take a chance on the lower priced ones. Lots of cool species!! The flasks were moving fast once Troy sent the email.I have always liked what I've received from Meyers Conservatory- very healthy and vigorous. Will make mini compots and offer a few at our spring auction.:)
I wish I had the right space/environment for stanhopeas and gongoras; they always have a ton of them available

you can also get subscribed to the 'established seedlings' list, so that you receive an email whenever things are becoming available (and they usually do in a big lot)... I got a nice neofinetia falcata pink or red type seedling and a few others that way
It was sold out by the time I read the email. Speaking of Troy, the villosum boxallii whose pod I had sent in for flasking was among the deceased from my tornado. It had lost all its leaves to drought and sunburn after the storm, but I thought it might have enough strength to grow back. Nope....well, at least I have the babies.

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