Cattleya trianaei 'Cashen's' FCC/AOS is blooming

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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No, a larger, healthier plant could give better blooms, matching the awarded one. Our growing conditions can really affect various aspects of flowers – size, shape, and color. Your flower is close enough to still be a division.
So are you saying that my plant is not a Cashen's?
I hadn’t seen Terry’s reply when I posted and agree. I just used more words to say it—story of my life!!
I can’t speak for Leslie, but i think he’s giving you the info on the awarded plant from the AOS awards site to give you a point of reference. Even the awarded plant might vary bloom to bloom depending on certain things, repotting, etc., how young or mature the division is, size of the pot. The stars all aligned culturally and with perfect timing on the day it got an FCC. Cattleyas often can vary bloom to bloom, especially if they bloom twice a year in different seasons. Or, are grown in a greenhouse vs. under lights. If you bought an original division of Cashen’s from Waldor, that’s what you have! They are very reputable and have great integrity. Even with an orig. division it is pretty hard to duplicate or surpass an awarded plant’s stats, especially an FCC. Many are earned by commercial growers or those with years of experience! Many professionals go their entire orchid growing careers and never get a FCC. Your plant is the awarded FCC plant as an original, so grow it the best you can, appreciate it and enjoy it. I always measure my originals when they bloom against the award statistics/photo. So far none has equaled the size or conformation of its awarded original. They still are very special and amazingly gorgeous and even if one were to be larger, etc. there’s no guarantee if taken to judging it would get an upgrade. Many judges are very reluctant to upgrade, and to find a place to get it judged when the bloom is in its prime and glowing—like I said, the stars have to align…hope this helps.
Thank you for the comments. I've read in a lot of postings on the forum that it can sometimes be challenging to get the plant you think you're getting. I didn't think I would have that problem with Waldors but I wasn't sure. It was quite an expensive purchase so I am relieved to hear that everyone thinks I got a true division of Cashen's.
Thank you for the comments. I've read in a lot of postings on the forum that it can sometimes be challenging to get the plant you think you're getting. I didn't think I would have that problem with Waldors but I wasn't sure. It was quite an expensive purchase so I am relieved to hear that everyone thinks I got a true division of Cashen's.
Although expensive, other vendors sell it for a whole lot more. So, consider it a deal. It’s an amazing cultivar.