Anyone ever Revived a Rootless Paph?

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Why live versus dried sphag? Is it microbes and added humidity that make the difference?

I definitely see better response to live sphag. I can speculate why...

Sphagnum always has antimicrobial activity, but some compounds will be lacking in dead moss as it ages, and dead moss doesn't react to the environment. Live moss may actually respond to the presence of pathogens.

Most plants will grow better surrounded by healthy growing neighbors in a living environment than in sterile isolation. Sphagnum provides that without crowding or shading.
Has anyone noticed that after putting a rootless paph in live moss for a few months the roots seem to grow much thicker and harder --- almost out of proportion to the plant!!

I've had good success with developing new roots. I usually go towards the basket type as the pot, either plastic or wood. Larger orchiata bark at the base and finer towards the top. Then the top layer being live moss. I only water with normally ro water then alternate with say Maxicrop, (seaweed extract). I won't normally feed at all hoping it will promote the root growth as it can't take anything up anyway unless you foliar feed. This very weak approach helps the live sphagnum and will lightly spray to keep damp only.

Never tried with live Sphagnum but I had very good success with dry sphagnum, more than 80% of the plants are now easily rescued when I plant them in sphag, put the pot in plastic bag, in very low light, and wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.... Roting of the plants is now very rare with the use of Sub culture B. And most of the plants I rescued were not as great as yours...
I paid 75.00 dollars for a single growth paph bruno 'model' with no roots dammit!!! I learned my lesson
I've done it and here's living proof! This P. Chou-Yi Yuki was completely rootless last year and now is recovering nicely. I did it by keeping it in very high humidity and planting in pure dried sphagnum. Now I'm trying to figure out if I should repot it into a more standard mix again.

Great to hear about that report, Tom!
Is this hang x niveum?
I would love to get one or ten!!! :)

Wish the best on the continued recovery!
My plant in the zip loc bag and moist paper towel is now growing two roots.
Moss has not yet arrived. Hmmm
I've done it and here's living proof! This P. Chou-Yi Yuki was completely rootless last year and now is recovering nicely. I did it by keeping it in very high humidity and planting in pure dried sphagnum. Now I'm trying to figure out if I should repot it into a more standard mix again.
Do you keep the sphagnum dry all the time? what about watering???
I've had to attempt this today - the Chui Hua Dancer I recently got looked fine on top, but guess what, rotten roots infested with insects. That'll teach me to try ebay. I've cut it all away, bathed in Physan, then bug killer, then dusted with ant powder (taking no chances here). Now propped in a live-moss/spagnum heavy mix. I'll be watching and hoping for the next few weeks at least. :(
You must have bought this from either falconer1211 or airplanefan or one of the other names they go under and charge exhorbitant prices for dreadful plants-- and they are always stated as --UK grown --total rubbish. Sorry for your dissapointment but this seller infuriates me with their crap products.

Ah, Ed! You are so right! If only I had asked your advice first. I expect I'm not the first to be sucked in. In truth, I thought even from the photos on the listings most of the ebay offerings over here looked dodgy plants, but it was the only place I'd seen a CHDancer for sale here. I actually returned the first one - allegedly bud blast, but to my eye crown rot - and was initially going to walk away with my refund, but they offered a smaller, cheaper one that seemed all good. But what lurks beneath the surface!
I'll still try to save it. If I'm successful it will probably turn out to be something totally different I expect! Bugger.
I've been after a chui hua dancer for ages but cannot find a reliable vendor.
Best of luck with your replacement but as you say -- the odds on it being what you want will be very debatable. It will take so long to bloom it will be impossible to complain --- ebay have received complaints but they do nothing about these 'shark vendors'

Well Ed, if it does survive and (even more unlikely) is the real thing I'll let you know if I ever get it big enough for division - if you can wait ten years!
Totally agree with the slackness of ebay - the worst thing they ever did was to dispense with the negative feedback option. Buyers now feel compelled to say only good things or not at all. Now you can't trust a vendors 'positive' feedback.
Clonex has worked for me in the past
Can you tell me a little more about using clonex?
I have it and i'm thinking about to use it in a rootles tiny delenatii. But i'm afraid of loose it because o clonex.
Can you tell me a little more about using clonex?
I have it and i'm thinking about to use it in a rootles tiny delenatii. But i'm afraid of loose it because o clonex.

Clonex gel will probably work but the problem is that you can only get 3 strengths. Try the weakest (for softwood cuttings). Or if you can get a liquid IBA, you can dilute it even more. You could try 500ppm (0.05 %) for a quick dip or 200ppm for a 3 hour soak making sure that only the bottom of the plant touches the hormone. Point is that too little is better than too much!
It can take up to 6 months to re-root.

Kelp products can be extremely effective to stimulate roots. On healthy established paphs i often see a new flush of roots 2 weeks after application.
I've been after a chui hua dancer for ages but cannot find a reliable vendor.
Best of luck with your replacement but as you say -- the odds on it being what you want will be very debatable. It will take so long to bloom it will be impossible to complain --- ebay have received complaints but they do nothing about these 'shark vendors'


Rootless CHDancer update:
Took a peek under the moss today and dead chuffed to see a bunch of new root tips starting! If I can nurse them to a half decent system over the heatmat this winter hopefully it might actually start to grow next year. :)

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