..... Look what it decided to bloom as lol. My first and only virens (due to pink picotee in petals and shape).
Isn’t virens synonymous with javanicum?
Rudolf, you may be quite right. The petal angle and the subdued pink petal picotee point that way.Lovely flower, Leslie..but imho Paph. javanicum due to the shape of the dorsal (not so important) and the green pouch (obviously important).... not var. virens. As far as I know and read var. virens has a more brownish pouch.....pink picots have both.
I have asked Glen and he confirms it as a javanicum.nice but disappointing - have they flowered others?
Like Rudolf mentioned, virens is considered a javanicum by WCSP/Kew but I think they should be separated. Flowers of virens are quite distinct and breed true. The two are as similar as callosum to lawrenceanum.Isn’t virens synonymous with javanicum?
Cool. Since we are talking about javanicum, has anybody seen a “chocolate form” called the “western Java form?” Photo was green, brown and orange.Like Rudolf mentioned, virens is considered a javanicum by WCSP/Kew but I think they should be separated. Flowers of virens are quite distinct and breed true. The two are as similar as callosum to lawrenceanum.
That sounds awesome!Cool. Since we are talking about javanicum, has anybody seen a “chocolate form” called the “western Java form?” Photo was green, brown and orange.
Orchid Inn has them I think. Just ask,Does anyone know where to get a virens?