sanderianum cross

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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Halls Gap,Western Victoria, Australia
I'm happy I don't own this plant and hope there are better ones about. This is P bellatulum x sanderianum at a recent show here.
Gosh, that's.....ummm....unfortunate :poke: I hope the person didn't pay too much for that plant.
To bad. It looks like it was put together by a committee. It maybe started as a good idea and got a few good things (i.e. color combo and sepal twists), but all in all it should have stayed home like a dirty little secret.
I've seen uglier. The dirty little secret of bellatulum is that, while its best crosses are beautiful, many of its crosses are absolutely hideous....if you can get them to bloom. One of the ugliest paphs I've ever seen was a cross of bellatulum x vietnamense. Small, cupped petals, and a cubic, yes, cubic, pouch. Yech! Take care, Eric
We'd always like to give it the benefit of the doubt & say it will be better it's next bloom BUT ....
I'm with Eric! I don't think it's a dirty little secret, as I too, have seen too many bellatulum X's that I thought were dogs.
Most agree that this Paph is not worth having and as mentioned Brachy x Multis have far too many problems to mention. Then WHY do we all still want one of them when we see a good pic??? I for one think its time to admire the good ones and put the wanting away. It may take handcuffs and a blindfold though.
Hey Roy - do you know anyone that may have a deal on multi x brachy's?!
Well said, couldn't agree more!
There are one or two places trying to sell these crosses here but not with much luck. Most knowledgable Paph growers here say well away from them.
Mind you, the price being asked is from A$20 for a plant in a 2 or 3 inch pot. Leaf span approx' 4 inches if your lucky.
After all this, Nick on SOF said he'd take the rejects! (We have somewhere to send them!)
Personally I just don't get it. when the odds are against you (and doesn't everyone pretty much have limited space), why would you want to spend good money first & then invest the time, upkeep, electric, heating, etc. in a plant that's not going to bloom or once in a 10 year time span?
After all this, Nick on SOF said he'd take the rejects! (We have somewhere to send them!)
Personally I just don't get it. when the odds are against you (and doesn't everyone pretty much have limited space), why would you want to spend good money first & then invest the time, upkeep, electric, heating, etc. in a plant that's not going to bloom or once in a 10 year time span?

I think most people simply don't know this and most would probably not buy them for all the reasons you mentioned above. For me, I do grow some crosses like this because of the challenge to get them to bloom. But, if they were to bloom out unattractively(in my eyes) I wouldn't keep it.