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      CarlG replied to the thread Den nobile question.
      This kind will often retain their leaves for a year - dropping them at the end of their second growing season.
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      CarlG replied to the thread Spider mite damage??.
      My experience with spider mites is that they give a "silvering" effect on leaves, not a rusty-colored effect. My preference would be to...
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      CarlG replied to the thread Rhyncholaelia digbyana.
      If the plant is surrounding the mount, am I safe in assuming that you have it suspended somehow? In artificial growing conditions, a...
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      CarlG replied to the thread Habenaria storage.
      I'd just keep them in pots. They don't need to be in a growing area. Any closet/basement/etc. should be just fine.
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      CarlG replied to the thread Pleurothallis sp..
      Phyllocardioides is a small plant, much smaller than the OP described. At least the one labelled as such in my collection is (but of...
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      CarlG replied to the thread Pleurothallis sp..
      Reminds me of Pleurothallis canidentis
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      CarlG replied to the thread Lily ID help.
      Possibly Crystal Blanca or Casa Blanca.
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