Paphiopedilum bullenianum bud

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Scholar, Addict and Aficionado of Orchidacea
Supporting Member
Feb 1, 2019
Reaction score
I'm so excited to see this open!

Took 2 years to establish after a harrowing trip back from Japan. From a select plant of Hanajima Orchids with scarlet red petals.

Anytime soon... šŸ˜…

Looking forward to see it!
How much light does it need? I got a seedling one and a half years ago. Since I moved it to a darker spot I think it is developping an elongated growth...
I can t see differences.Geographical difference is not a reason to mention them as separate sp.Eg. cyp. calceolus can be found in many places in the nature all around the world.

Istvan, I wrote 'among other fifferences' and not 'the only difference is' !! Read the describtions in the links carefully and you will find at least 3 differences which are necessary to create a new species.
Istvan, I wrote 'among other fifferences' and not 'the only difference is' !! Read the describtions in the links carefully and you will find at least 3 differences which are necessary to create a new species.
Thanks, i will look after.My eyes could see the same till this time.
Among other differences, their origins are completely differnt. Have a look here Paph appletonianum and Paph. bulleanum
Here's an appletonianum from a friend to compare:


Differences in staminodes, roundness of pouch bottom and petal/dorsal angles, from my observations.

I will look further into literature.