My entire Paph collection

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So, first some sad news; I've killed my first Paph now, it was the barbatum var. nigritum that gave up in the end. Also, I have nutrient deficiency problems with my entire collection, WHY and WHAT they are lacking is up for debate, but I've started treating them with some epsom salts, some extra N, and I'm going to start using RO water (50/50 with tap water), + I'll save money to buy a pH meter and a TDS meter. I hope my baby mutlis will make it, since it's they that are suffering the most. :(

I also got another multi, a parishii this time and I think I'm taking on way more than I can handle this time (I clearly can't handle the rest, so what makes me think I can care for a parishii?). I ordered this BS from Popow and I really should stay away from his plants, unless they are offered on eBay. It's a five growth plant with practically no roots, and a sixth growth on the way, plus it has some sort of infection on parts of the leaves... I have no idea how I'm going to make this guy survive...

Here it is in its net pot that I ordered specifically for this guy:

Subgenus Sigmatopetalum:
Paph. appletonianum
Paph. argus
Paph. barbatum x sib ('Wesley' x 'Perfect Circle')
Paph. bundtii
Paph. callosum var. sublaeve
Paph. ceramense or cerveranum
Paph. ciliolare
Paph. hainanense
Paph. lawrenceanum 'Graue' BM/DOG
Paph. mastersianum
Paph. purpuratum
Paph. robinsonii
Paph. schoseri
Paph. sukhakulii 'Graue'
Paph. superbiens
Paph. superbiens var. curtisii
Paph. tonsum var. cupreum
Paph. urbanianum x sib ('Shine and Glory' x 'Rainbow')
Paph. urbanianum
Paph. venustum
Paph. violascens
Paph. wardii 'Darkwing' x self

Subgenus Paphiopedilum:
Paph. fairrieanum 'Dawlish Warren' x self
Paph. helenae
Paph. gratrixianum
Paph. henryanum
Paph. villosum
Paph. villsoum, new type from China

Subgenus Polyantha:
Paph. gardineri x sib 'Red Star' x 'Red Dragon'
Paph. lowii
Paph. parishii (NEW)
Paph. roebelenii
Paph. roebelenii 'Kellerkind' x self
Paph. rothschildianum 'Big Garden' x 'Lark' FCC/AOS
Paph. rothschildianum x sib 'Jim Krull' FCC/AOS x 'Canadian Club' GM/JOGA
Paph. rothschildianum 'Mont Miliais' x self (although I seriously doubt that)
Paph. rothschildianum x sib 'Oriental Red' x 'Mont Milais' FCC/AOS
Paph. rothschildianum 'Starship' x self

Subgenus Parvisepalum (what's this one doing here, huh, huuh, huuuh?):
Paph. delenatii var. vinicolor x sib ('Purple Lantern' x Purple Delight')
Paph. malipoense 'Giant' x self

Primary hybrids:
Paph. Ashburtoniae (barbatum x insigne)
Paph. Delrosi (rothschildianum x delenatii var. vinicolor)
Paph. Maudiae (callosum x lawrenceanum) Vinicolor 'Schwarze Madonna'
Paph. Michael Koopowitz (philippinense x sanderianum)
Paph. Pandion (venustum x fairrieanum)
Paph. Prine Edward of York (rothschildianum x sanderianum)
Paph. Wössner Vietnam Star (rothschildianum x vietnamense

Complex Hybrid:
Clair de Lune 'Edgard van Belle' FCC/AOS


Paph. Vinicolor 'Black Jack'
Could your cultural problem be keeping the roots too wet? I notice you are using sphagnum as a top-dress. How often do you water? Do you water only when the top of the sphag has gone slightly dry to a crisp?
I use skewers to determine when it's time to water. I spray the sphagnum every day since it dries out really fast, while the substrate could still be too moist in the bottom of the pot. If I decided to water the Paphs by going by the top dressing, they would rot.

I still haven't figured out how often to water, some Paphs seem to like being more wet than others, and it's hard to figure out which ones are which.
I see. In that case, can't really assist you there since I am not sure about your humidity levels. To green up yellowing plants fast, I use slow-release fertiliser (osmocote or similar). Place a few (5-10 prills) around the plant but not too close to the base. Works with moss also.
I am not too sure why there is such a rush. I understand the desire to correct the problem (if there is one) , but there does not seem to be a need for urgency. Other than a bit yellow (the jury is also out on that one, as the comparative pictures do not have the same colour cast). From what I understand the roots seem fine, the plants continue to grow, so why the hurry? The light exposure has only just been corrected. I think the next thing to be corrected should be the pH of the water, as this will dramatically affect the plants ability to adsorbe nutrients and use them. A simple swap to an organic supplement in the short term while the plants are given a chance to adjust and settle down (before another drastic change or series of repotting is undertaken), would be appropriate. I think it is important to keep it simple and adjust one thing at a time, and give the plants time to respond to the change!
I am not too sure why there is such a rush. I understand the desire to correct the problem (if there is one) , but there does not seem to be a need for urgency. Other than a bit yellow (the jury is also out on that one, as the comparative pictures do not have the same colour cast). From what I understand the roots seem fine, the plants continue to grow, so why the hurry? The light exposure has only just been corrected. I think the next thing to be corrected should be the pH of the water, as this will dramatically affect the plants ability to adsorbe nutrients and use them. A simple swap to an organic supplement in the short term while the plants are given a chance to adjust and settle down (before another drastic change or series of repotting is undertaken), would be appropriate. I think it is important to keep it simple and adjust one thing at a time, and give the plants time to respond to the change!
I'm not repotting anything, unless any of them show some major signs of decline.

The jury is me, and I see the plants IRL. They have turned more pale, and the 'Starship' is almost completely yellow. I only noticed the difference thanks to the pictures (sometimes you don't notice some things, 'cause you see them every day).

I'm not doing anything at the moment, except adding epsom salts to the water. I'll have to wait for the conductivity/pH meter though, since it was out of stock. This gives the plants time to react to the epsom salts and the raising of the T5.
Are you growing your Paphs in sphagnum? If so, maybe you can ammend your media to include something non-absorbant and/or angular to make air spaces.
No, I grow them in four parts bark, one part sphagnum, and one part perlite. I have sphagnum as top dressing to keep the humidity more even in the pot, and to encourage/protect new root nubs.

I'm still testing the waters when it comes to Paphs and what I should grow them in. Now, when I've repotted most of them, I've removed the sphagnum from the substrate mix for those that didn't didn't seem to like it (poor root growth), plus for some just to test without it, but kept it for those that had had good root growth. Most of my Paphs though, didn't have any sphagnum in the mix, so most of these, now do, and I'll evaluate next year if I should keep it or not. I will keep it as a top dressing though, since they dry out fast now that I've fans. The fans are keeping the humidity levels up though, which is good, especially when it gets hot, the humidity doesn't plummet anymore, which makes me thrilled (and most probably the Paphs too).

I'm glad I've started to keep notes on the Paphs' root systems (and the plants in general), and what I've potted them in, so I can compare them next year. :)
Man, am I glad I bought those fans. They keep the general humidity up when the sun is shining in through the windows, and when I checked around the plants today, the humidity was a whooping 70%! In my kitchen! The combination of heat, water and leca covered trays, and air movement seems to be a good one. :D

So this is my advice to all other Paph noobs out there; get a fan or two, they make a lot of difference.

OK. Sounds good.
It's a start at least.
I've said it before and I intend to go on about it again. Give your plants less light, and the problem will solve itself. I also live in Sweden and the sunlight is very strong in the spring and summer. I get the same problem with bleached out plants, unless I turn off my lights and shade my windows. If it were malnutrition you should see mottle, necrosis, pale leaf edges and the like. But the whole plant is pale, so probably too much light.
So, I've finally gotten myself a small stonei, which turned out to not be so small (hurray), and I'm extremely pleased with it. I'm going to put it in my "warmer" room (it's warmer during winter at least), together with the barbata gang until it has grown a bit. It has a leaf span of 30 cm (11.8") and the largest leaves are also 4 cm (1.6") wide.


Some major improvement since previous posts. My little roth 'Starship' x self, has now returned to its former green glory, together with a bunch of other multis (all of them have greened up considerably actually). I still don't know if the problem was purely too much light/bad roots, or if there's something else afoot as well (some plants showed the same signs, without being under the T5...). I'm going to keep trying to learn how to care for these guys, and hopefully not kill too many babies in the process. :p

My newest ones, beside my stonei, from Ochids Inn, have all developed nice, big, fat, and quite gross looking roots, so I'm not worried about them anymore. Oh, and all newbies should get at least one Paph. delenatii, cause it grows like a weed! Love it.

As some of you might notice, my roth x sib 'Jim Krull' FCC/AOS x 'Canadian Club' GM/JOGA, is no longer among us. It succumbed to stem rot after getting burnt and generally mistreated. It's quite typical that it should be the most valuable one to croak... I have two more that have been struggling ever since I got them, where one is about to kick the bucket, my large philippinense var. roebelenii, and my Maudiae 'Schwarze Madonna' hasn't decided if it should keep fighting, or die. We'll see if it sticks around or not. My small philippinense though, is doing great, since I know a bit better about how to care for it after killing its predecessor, I suppose. :p

My parishii is, strangely enough, not doing too bad. It has lost four leaves, which I'm not particularly surprised about. I'm more surprised it hasn't lost more. It's also growing some new leaves as well, so it can't all be bad. It's amazing that it can grow in such low light levels.

Subgenus Sigmatopetalum:
Paph. appletonianum
Paph. argus
Paph. barbatum x sib ('Wesley' x 'Perfect Circle')
Paph. bundtii
Paph. callosum var. sublaeve
Paph. cerveranum
Paph. ciliolare
Paph. hainanense
Paph. lawrenceanum 'Graue' BM/DOG
Paph. mastersianum
Paph. purpuratum
Paph. robinsonii
Paph. schoseri
Paph. sukhakulii 'Graue'
Paph. superbiens
Paph. superbiens var. curtisii
Paph. tonsum var. cupreum
Paph. urbanianum x sib ('Shine and Glory' x 'Rainbow')
Paph. urbanianum
Paph. venustum
Paph. violascens
Paph. wardii 'Darkwing' x self

Subgenus Paphiopedilum:
Paph. fairrieanum 'Dawlish Warren' x self
Paph. helenae
Paph. gratrixianum
Paph. henryanum
Paph. villosum
Paph. villsoum, new type from China

Subgenus Polyantha:
Paph. gardineri x sib 'Red Star' x 'Red Dragon'
Paph. lowii
Paph. parishii
Paph. roebelenii
Paph. roebelenii 'Kellerkind' x self
Paph. rothschildianum 'Big Garden' x 'Lark' FCC/AOS
Paph. rothschildianum 'Mont Miliais' x self (although I seriously doubt that)
Paph. rothschildianum x sib 'Oriental Red' x 'Mont Milais' FCC/AOS
Paph. rothschildianum 'Starship' x self
Paph. stonei (NEW)

Subgenus Parvisepalum (what's this one doing here, huh, huuh, huuuh?):
Paph. delenatii var. vinicolor x sib ('Purple Lantern' x Purple Delight')
Paph. malipoense 'Giant' x self

Primary hybrids:

Paph. Ashburtoniae (barbatum x insigne)
Paph. Delrosi (rothschildianum x delenatii var. vinicolor)
Paph. Maudiae (callosum x lawrenceanum) Vinicolor 'Schwarze Madonna'
Paph. Michael Koopowitz (philippinense x sanderianum)
Paph. Pandion (venustum x fairrieanum)
Paph. Prine Edward of York (rothschildianum x sanderianum)
Paph. Wössner Vietnam Star (rothschildianum x vietnamense)

Complex Hybrid:
Clair de Lune 'Edgard van Belle' FCC/AOS


Paph. Vinicolor 'Black Jack'

Forgot to mention: My Phrag Green Hornet is in spike! Weee! :D
My new babies have arrived! And they are all so very, very tiny! I love them! :rollhappy:

For being an order from Asendorfer, an unusual amount of them had some blemishes. I don't know how dangerous these are, but I'm keeping my eye on them. The tigrinum, however, was small, but in perfect condition. It's well established in its little pot, so I'm confident it's hiding some roots down in the substrate. All I need to do now, is get it to survive and grow, then, some years into the future, I might start worrying about flowering the thing.

I also got two freebies, a Paph. schoseri (s now I have two), and a Paph. venustum (again, now I have two, but I'm wondering if the little one is an alba, or semi-alba, since it lacks purple spotting on the undersides of its leaves).

Here they are!

Paph. dayanum, beautiful little plant:

Paph. henryanum (I have a henry!):

Paph. tigrinum 'Tigerland' x self (a.k.a. my precioussss):

Paph. wilhelminiae (don't like those blemishes):

My freebies, schoseri and venustum:

Subgenus Sigmatopetalum:
Paph. appletonianum
Paph. argus
Paph. barbatum x sib ('Wesley' x 'Perfect Circle')
Paph. bundtii
Paph. callosum var. sublaeve
Paph. cerveranum
Paph. ciliolare
Paph. dayanum (NEW)
Paph. hainanense
Paph. lawrenceanum 'Graue' BM/DOG
Paph. mastersianum
Paph. purpuratum
Paph. robinsonii
Paph. schoseri
Paph. schoseri (NEW)
Paph. sukhakulii 'Graue'
Paph. superbiens
Paph. superbiens var. curtisii
Paph. tonsum var. cupreum
Paph. urbanianum x sib ('Shine and Glory' x 'Rainbow')
Paph. urbanianum
Paph. venustum
Paph. venustum (NEW)
Paph. violascens
Paph. wardii 'Darkwing' x self

Subgenus Paphiopedilum:
Paph. fairrieanum 'Dawlish Warren' x self
Paph. helenae
Paph. gratrixianum
Paph. henryanum (NEW)
Paph. tigrinum 'Tigerland' x self (NEW)
Paph. villosum
Paph. villsoum, new type from China
Paph. whut

Subgenus Polyantha:
Paph. gardineri x sib 'Red Star' x 'Red Dragon'
Paph. lowii
Paph. parishii
Paph. roebelenii 'Kellerkind' x self
Paph. rothschildianum 'Big Garden' x 'Lark' FCC/AOS
Paph. rothschildianum 'Mont Milais' x self (although I seriously doubt that)
Paph. rothschildianum x sib 'Oriental Red' x 'Mont Milais' FCC/AOS
Paph. rothschildianum 'Starship' x self
Paph. stonei
Paph. wilhelminiae (NEW)

Subgenus Parvisepalum (what's this one doing here, huh, huuh, huuuh?):
Paph. delenatii var. vinicolor x sib ('Purple Lantern' x Purple Delight')
Paph. malipoense 'Giant' x self

Primary hybrids:

Paph. Ashburtoniae (barbatum x insigne)
Paph. Delrosi (rothschildianum x delenatii var. vinicolor)
Paph. Maudiae (callosum x lawrenceanum) Vinicolor 'Schwarze Madonna'
Paph. Michael Koopowitz (philippinense x sanderianum)
Paph. Pandion (venustum x fairrieanum)
Paph. Prine Edward of York (rothschildianum x sanderianum)
Paph. Wössner Vietnam Star (rothschildianum x vietnamense)

Complex Hybrid:
Clair de Lune 'Edgard van Belle' FCC/AOS


Paph. Vinicolor 'Black Jack'