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Trump seemed pleased last night with the announcement that Perez had been elected as Dem party chairman, but it could have simply been a display of bravado.

I certainly hope Perez is able to pull the party together and be willing to swing a little to the left. Naming Ellison as deputy chairman is a good start. I have no beef with Perez, but I do know a lot of people have taken his selection as a punch to the gut. Hopefully these people will come around and unite with the party. The party needs women and progressives, and it needs to accommodate them in order to keep them in the fold.
I certainly hope Perez is able to pull the party together and be willing to swing a little to the left. Naming Ellison as deputy chairman is a good start. I have no beef with Perez, but I do know a lot of people have taken his selection as a punch to the gut. Hopefully these people will come around and unite with the party.

Seems to me that anyone that sensitive wouldn't maintain long term interest in politics unless everything goes their way. Such people are really of no benefit to a political party.
Seems to me that anyone that sensitive wouldn't maintain long term interest in politics unless everything goes their way. Such people are really of no benefit to a political party.

They're the Bernie Sanders supporters and the millenials, and no, they gave no support to us in this last election. They stayed home or they voted for third party candidates...and we lost the election. Engaging them and getting them involved, bringing the party back from the right of center and making it more liberal again -- these are the things we need to do if we hope to have a fighting chance in 2018. We will become an obsolete party if we do not stop sliding to the right and if we do not stop acting like watered-down Republicans. We need to widen the umbrella. The party needs to welcome and engage both moderate Dems and liberal Dems. It needs to embrace women, the LGBTQ community, Latinos and the African American community. Anything less and we are doomed.
They're the Bernie Sanders supporters and the millenials, and no, they gave no support to us in this last election. They stayed home or they voted for third party candidates...and we lost the election. Engaging them and getting them involved, bringing the party back from the right of center and making it more liberal again -- these are the things we need to do if we hope to have a fighting chance in 2018. We will become an obsolete party if we do not stop sliding to the right and if we do not stop acting like watered-down Republicans. We need to widen the umbrella. The party needs to welcome and engage both moderate Dems and liberal Dems. It needs to embrace women, the LGBTQ community, Latinos and the African American community. Anything less and we are doomed.

it needs to start with local elections and build from there...I would say it needs to start at town halls..like we have now...I don't see progressives going away..I only see their voices getting stronger...putting progressives in office is really the only clear way to send a message
Corey Booker 2020.
Trump has once again insulted intelligent Americans by having the head of the Agency in charge of investigating political connections to Russia tell us that no connections were found, before the investigation has been completed.
Republicans got power as result of a blow back by those unaccepting of a Black President. I'm pretty sure the "buffoon blow back" will be equally as hard, unless the idiot gets us inot a nuclear war before the next election.
it needs to start with local elections and build from there...I would say it needs to start at town halls..like we have now...I don't see progressives going away..I only see their voices getting stronger...putting progressives in office is really the only clear way to send a message

I agree, and Perez needs to realize this and push for this. He needs to back local and state progressives who want to run for office. There are many who are saying his main goal is only to get a Democrat into the White House four years from now. He needs to realize we need to start with local elections and continue on with state level elections right on up to the White House, and the party needs to put all of its efforts behind every single one of these candidates along the way.
I heard on the news that the Baby Boomers elected Dump.
Not so. I campaigned for Sen. Sanders and I did vote for
Hillary Clinton. I resent the implication that BBers are
indifferent or third party nerds. I will always work for the
Progressive Agenda...LOUDLY!!!!
an entire book can be written on why Trump was elected, it was a perfect storm, and he barely managed a win...and still lost the popular vote...making it about one aspect of the population is stupid
There were a lot of progressives who got out and voted for Hillary, no doubt, and certainly no one demographic is exclusively to blame for Trump's victory. That being said, disenfranchising millennial progressives from the Democratic Party at this point in time would be a big mistake. Hillary and company were very centrist in my opinion. That's all well and good for the establishment Democrats, but it didn't work on election day. There is no questioning the fact that large numbers of Sanders' supporters either voted for third party candidates this past November, or they didn't vote at all. We can't let that happen again.
The women's March, the judiciary response , the steadfast media responding to trump, people coming out of the woodwork to fight trump... these actions will defeat the apathy that I feel was the biggest reason why Trump won.. we all need to know who our allies are... makes resistance not meaningful and effective
I agree all of these things help defeat apathy. I just know what I have heard loud and clear several times: a lot of millennials and Sanders supporters felt marginalized when Perez was chosen to lead the Democratic Party. I hope that feeling won't last. If we refuse to listen to their concerns or recognize their point of view, though, no doubt they have, in fact, already been marginalized.
Eric, I hadn't considered Booker, but he'd be an excellent
candidate. Do you think he's considered running? Will
he be old enough by 2020? I think Ellison might also be
a good potential candidate to counter Dump's anti-Muslim
Corey Booker is 47 ...same age as Obama when he took office in 2008..he will run for sure and he will probably get the nomination. He's already been asked and he skirts the question ...no one will commit to running now..and that's probably a smart thing..gotta wait till after the next round of elections in 2018
I'd like to see a female president, but Warren has antagonized too many main streamers and I can't think
of anyone else at the moment. Any ideas? Not Clinton...
I don't think she's such a glutton for punishment. I was
always hopeful for Barbara Jordan some years ago, but
she died unexpectedly and broke my heart.

O.K. don't everybody scream at me at once, but I like
Van Jones although he's not a politician. He is knowledgeable and very fair in his assessment of global
affairs. He's also an "outsider" not associated with the
same old **** in Washington.
the question is...does the winner debate or don't debate Trump? I say don't debate him...and work that to your advantage