what birds?

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Jan 22, 2008
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elmer, nj
i'm here in my new apt in northern nj and it's 2:30am and I hear a bird singing away (it's completely black out there, nearest light is half a mile away). what birds sing at night?
i'm here in my new apt in northern nj and it's 2:30am and I hear a bird singing away (it's completely black out there, nearest light is half a mile away). what birds sing at night?

Nightjars, for sure - Chuck-will's-widow (Caprimulgus carolinensis) and the Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus). Dunno if the Chuck is that far north, but the Whip-poor-will sure is.
Some male birds start declaring their territory very early in the morning. We have a robin that starts around 3am, and a cardinal that joins in soon after. Maybe you have a REALLY early bird.
The birds that live in the ivy on my house never shut up.....they sing all night long.
Haha! 2:30, get to bed. Don't you have a new job to go to?! :poke:

:rollhappy: I just got home from there! No, actually it was 7 or 8pm when I got home

Welcome to New Jersey!!!


:rolleyes: thanks.

know it isn't a whip-poor-will as I heard them for the first time last spring near lake ontario, but it could be a mockingbird. i've seen one flying around. it's a nice song, just seems funny when I realize that it's really dark outside
When I stayed in semi-rural MA during the summer of 1990? I remember hearing a beautiful bird song ringing out in the dead of a hot humid night. All you could hear was the low hum of grass crickets and the bird. Turned out it was a Mockingbird and it was one of those times that stays with you.
Mockingbirds love to go through their entire call list at night. I hope he
finds a lady love soon. When not keeping you awake all night, the calls
are fascinating. The one that used to visit my house could bark like a
dog and kept my dogs barking back all night. I think he enjoyed that!