The person below me game......

  • Thread starter Bluefirepegasus
  • Start date
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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false thankfully but hopefully tpam will feel better

tpbm went to clean dead leaves off of their clowesetum hybrid last night, and discovered that there were 'thorns' at the base of each leaf :confused:
Oooohhhhhh.... So busted!!!!! ROFL...

TPBM, you spent all your Christmas money on orchids!!!! I know I am trying to, lol...
False. I had too much money to spend! (I wish this was true)

TPBM hates spending money, unless it is on orchid related things.
false (though I did remove a pot from the growing zone with a deceased phrag hybrid in it yesterday)

tpbm knows what tinderfungus is, and what it's used for (two totally different things)

tpbm's Allison Strohm hasn't blasted yet, and is wondering if a larger plant is key to a successful bloom.
false. only one.
let me know if you want to have lunch at dearborn.

tpbm is unloading some of their collection.
True, then I don't have to pay a late fee and I have more money to buy orchids! :)

TPBM thinks they never have enough orchids.
No truer words were ever spoken.

TPBM is hoping Mother Nature hold off on snow this Friday so she can safely take plants to an orchid show.
true for you

tpbm had to move their potted parsley plant from the semi-heated back entry because it was freezing, and the phrags/masdie and papyrus from the back kitchen windowsill because they would have done the same (window frosted over)

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