Paph (King Charles 'Top Gun' x Ruby Voodoo 'Double Dark')

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Update. Dorsal and sepal twisting a bit now that it's open for week. Posted alongside another blooming from this cross which is not quite as nice as teh first but still quite attractive. Pouch is smaller but color is good.

and the plant size is smaller, which is always a plus for me.

Even the charlesworthii x vini maudiae type hybrids I had, all but one had this long leaves like your first one.
Some were mottled, and some were not, but all had this nice dark color on the underside.
The flowers were all intensely dark, super glossy, but overall smallish.
That one particular smaller plant had unusual flower in that it looked just like a gigantic charlesworthii, the shape and color and everything.
I was really happy with it, but alas! it was frustratingly slow and I cold not tell if it was alive or not since it never did anything after flowering.
So one day I pitched. It turned out that it had no roots left. Go figure.

I also had Ruby Voodoo x ink spot?? (not sure) from OZ, which had this same flower but the size was much smaller, both the flower and the plant.
The leaves were unusually pretty. It also died of root loss. The clay pot it was in was always super wet than I imagined. No more clay pot ever since.
Always clear plastic pot so I know how dry it is inside.