MAOC trophy catts

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I know not the same species, but at our cnyos show last weekend, a paph schoseri was pulled for aos judging by one of the judges. There was an interesting discussion about what is awardable for an 'unattractive species' which is my condensing the discussion a bit. It ended up not being judged, though it was a nice plant because it was felt it wasn't awardable. Part of their discussion was wondering if there was any paph schoseri that was awardable...

I would suggest that in the future, I would take it to the monthly judging (Cincinnati and Ann Arbor are both fairly close to you). At shows the entire group of judges don't see every plant, judges only focus on the class they were assigned for ribbon judging. As a result not every judge evaluates every plant to determine if it should be pulled. In some cases this results in worthy plants not being pulled due to a judging team that is less familiar with that genera, it being poorly displayed and lit in the exhibit (HAPPENS A LOT!!!), or generally is overlooked due to the sheer number of plants and time alloted for judging before the shows open. In a monthly judging every plant is looked at by every judge(at least at our center.

Additionally, it is unfortunate but Judges are human and don't have every single species in every genera memorized to know if it has a CBR or other awards. At the judging center we have the luxury of time to do some research (as we have our library of references available) on each of the plants presented if we are unfamiliar with them.

I know it isn't ideal, but the simple facts are that the shows are not the ideal place to get a new or uncommon plant judged.

There are several people from up your way who I am sure would be wiling to bring the plant to judging on its next bloom if you are unable to attend.


The plant was tyaken to the center about 4-5 years ago; in my post above I note that's when they said 'bring it back when there are some awards on it'. (this has happened with other previously unawarded species, not just paphs, either. Their record on hybrids is as dismal.) Of course that would negate the idea of a CBR, which was my goal.

The Cincy center IS the one with all the problems I've noted. I keep hoping it'll close and we can try to open another one with REAL judges.

I have managed to send some plants down occasionally; threre is only one judge from anywhere near here ( and that one is an hour from me) who goes regularly (and no-one goes to the MI one). Working all day Sundays, I am unable to go myself and with the pointlessness of trying to get anything decent or new (most of what I'm interested in having judged) awarded at that center, it's really not worth the effort any more. I just keep hoping they'll all die off or quit and we'll get new ones who know their a** from a hole in the ground!!! Of course by then everything will have been awarded by the REAL judges at other centers!