Greenhouse problem

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I see you've met some of those people, Dot! Writing that down reminded me why we
sold the landscaping/garden center and kept the tree nursery. A couple who'd just
built a new home came into the garden center and demanded plants they didn't have
to water. This was in a drought year at that. That's when I decided to sell that part of
the business or go on a hair-pulling spree!
From working at an orchid nursery, I've learned that there are just some people who ought not have plants!
goods, I like working outside too. We've supplied trees and shrubbery for
golf courses and I love 'em as customers, but save me from ever having to
landscape any of them!!! Our biggest problem with landscaping was customers who didn't think they needed to deep water the trees for the first
year or two...sheesh. Those people need to buy plastic plants.

I also ran a retail nursery for 20 years. People are just #@$%^&$%#).
We once had a bloke come in demading a new tree 2 years after purchase saying it was my fault that it died!! I just told him to f**k off! Funny!, never saw him again. One Turkish customer (nice man) used to come in and order several bags of ''Lamb ****'' every vegie season:rollhappy: Those were the days..
My favorite, the people who want low light, heavy blooming shrubs. People would get so mad when I said we didn't have anything like that. I, finally, started telling people "God" doesn't make anything like that.
My favorite, the people who want low light, heavy blooming shrubs. People would get so mad when I said we didn't have anything like that. I, finally, started telling people "God" doesn't make anything like that.
:rollhappy: -- and I'll bet they acceped that explanation!
Stone, I gotcha beat on that one. Man bought twenty red dogwoods to line his driveway. Came back FIVE YEARS later and wanted me to replace all twenty for free because they died............he didn't water them at all in
five years!!! I didn't say **** off, but I sure wanted to. I went to the back of the garden center to the Screaming Tree, a large white oak that was designated for frustrated employees. I KNOW you know what I mean!

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