I don’t think it “looks youngish” at all. I feel that it is suffering from poor culture, primarily root loss. So much of this plastic container contains media that looks bad to me, very dark and mushy looking.
The media breaks down killing the roots and the plant suffers.
Plus I don’t easily see any evidence of it having bloomed recently. Has it? This could be caused by improper lighting, roots loss or poor culture.
To me the pseudobulbs look stunted, shorter and thinner then they should be. They should be thicker and more robust looking.
I think that the container might not have proper sized drainage holes. This could be impacting the health of the root system and the plants overall health.
It can recover with improved care.
It was just in the first photos, it looked "younghish" and small, Big...the comparison photos blew that misconception away.
I wholeheartedly agree with your perception of the plants actual state and think your advice on repotting,, appropriate drainage and light, etc. sound and pertinent.
Unless the plant was left to swelter in the Arizonian desert, was forgot someway along the route by the transporters, or something other unfortunately alike happened and/or it was VERY badly packed, I find it difficult to explain its current state by occurences when underway.
Just go with Big's good advice, Ndove, and I'm sure you will in short time make it grow well and thrive!
Maybe, it might be good to keep in mind, though quite resilient plants, when mature, in my experience Catts sometimes need quite some time to adjust, if moved over geographically disparate conditions and/or timezones (2 years might not be that unusual) Supplementary light might help thie proces along.
Good luck with the growing!