bwester said:my wife's grandmother just said she would cut my penis off..... damn, I really didnt get enough alcohol to deal with this.
couscous74 said:Blake,
Fire with fire:
Tell her you''ll slice off her shriveled up old teets and pan-fry them for breakfast for her. :evil:
bwester said:Damn you Marcus for making the naked image of her pop in my head and Tadd...... thats messed up man...messed up.
I still have my parts this morning and I'm going to camp out in the greenhouse today, now that I have wifi out there now.
bwester said:Its now 10 after 2..... I was forced to come in from the greenhouse after my wife discovered that I had a tv and a small fridge full of beer in there.
bwester said:its now 5 after 4 and I have retreated to the last sanctuary a man has..... his toilet. I'm afraid I'll be out of alcohol soon.... bad times..... bad times