I got a slipper orchid from a friend. She has been growing this orchid for a few years, but it never bloomed. The first picture is the orchid when she purchased it. Could anyone let me know which orchid it might be?
The other three images are the ones I just took. My friend recently repotted the orchid. She mentioned that it has a long and thick root, so she had to use an 8 inch pot. She also used normal soil and perlite as the potting mix. So here are my questions
Is an 8 inch pot too big for this orchid? Should I change to a different potting mix, like bark/perlite/moss? It seems that the orchid has a new grow coming out (with a pink base). Should I cut it out and put in a different pot? Should I bury the orchid to the upper level of the pink base? -- It seems that there are roots coming out from the base. Lastly, does anyone have any idea why this orchid never bloomed?
This is my first slipper orchid. I am very excited. But I never grew one, so I am super inexperienced. I really appreciate any suggestions. Thank you all so much in advance!

I got a slipper orchid from a friend. She has been growing this orchid for a few years, but it never bloomed. The first picture is the orchid when she purchased it. Could anyone let me know which orchid it might be?
The other three images are the ones I just took. My friend recently repotted the orchid. She mentioned that it has a long and thick root, so she had to use an 8 inch pot. She also used normal soil and perlite as the potting mix. So here are my questions
This is my first slipper orchid. I am very excited. But I never grew one, so I am super inexperienced. I really appreciate any suggestions. Thank you all so much in advance!