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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
I just found some scales on a brachy a bought 2 months ago from our show. I am gonna spray it with Safer's End all 2 and maybe treat it with Merit 75. Do I treat all the plants that were beside it as well? :mad::mad::mad:
By all means treat the neighboring plants, too. It's very likely they've spread in the past two months. Good luck!
Is Merit 75 drench effective against scales?

I rotate merit with orthene when I see anything.Haven't seen scale in my gh in awhile,well until I just jinxed myself. I get the occasional visits from mealy bugs though.
Orthene 97% granular will take care of the scale very quickly. I've not
been impressed with Merit and it's expensive. Orthene is not. I'd drench
everything in the greenhouse if the scale has been around for two months.
Scale is a sneaky bastid!
Might I suggest malathion? I worked like a bomb for me. One application it knocked off everything that was an insect. I let some of the run-off seep into the soil around my lemon tree and the next day the scale on the lemon tree was gone too---so it has a systemic property to it too. It is also harmless to humans---which is great!
ha ha I actually remember the press story about the politician or whoever who drank the glass of malathion to try and 'prove' that it was harmless. I don't remember exactly, but i'm pretty sure it isn't 'harmless' :eek:

testing shows that most all malathion used has contaminants, and these cause many problems. also, when malathion is stored in the container for any expanse of time, it changes and there are more contaminants present, especially if it is stored where it gets hot. some studies showed that pure malathion didn't do so much damage or cause problems, but that it is very unlikely that a container of malathion doesn't have contaminants present

i'm not sure if i would eat any lemons from your tree for a while...
A federal government sponsored database shows the No Observable Effect Level (NOEL) for malathion in humans to be 25 mg/kg/day; for someone who weighs 60 kg (132 pounds) this would mean that a dose of 1.5 ml of pure malathion would produce no no observable effect. Malathion is typically sold at a strength of 50-60% so this would translate to a NOEL dose of 2.5 ml. Application & Safety/Malathion 5EC.pdf
ha ha I actually remember the press story about the politician or whoever who drank the glass of malathion to try and 'prove' that it was harmless. I don't remember exactly, but i'm pretty sure it isn't 'harmless' :eek:

i'm not sure if i would eat any lemons from your tree for a while...

That was in California 30 or 40 years ago. People were upset about a plan to spray malathion bait to try to control some sort of fruit fly so at a press conference this official drank some of the diluted malathion that was to be sprayed. I don't believe that he suffered any ill effects other than being severely criticized.

The chem-tox website seems to be a group of anti-chemical/anti-pesticide people. I doubt that they have ever met a chemical that they don't consider to be horribly toxic.
well, that may be true (overly-excited anti-pesticide people), I would never advise anyone risk their health by eating anything that had any systemic pesticide in it. at least in ny, I don't know of any systemic pesticide that is allowed to be used for any crop that is meant to be eaten. you can only get away with it if you are growing something to be 'ornamental' or some other statement like that where you aren't growing the plant to harvest vegetables. it may be not overly harmful, but why take the chance is my thought
well, that may be true (overly-excited anti-pesticide people), I would never advise anyone risk their health by eating anything that had any systemic pesticide in it. at least in ny, I don't know of any systemic pesticide that is allowed to be used for any crop that is meant to be eaten. you can only get away with it if you are growing something to be 'ornamental' or some other statement like that where you aren't growing the plant to harvest vegetables. it may be not overly harmful, but why take the chance is my thought

excellent advice and commonsense!!!
well, that may be true (overly-excited anti-pesticide people), I would never advise anyone risk their health by eating anything that had any systemic pesticide in it. at least in ny, I don't know of any systemic pesticide that is allowed to be used for any crop that is meant to be eaten. you can only get away with it if you are growing something to be 'ornamental' or some other statement like that where you aren't growing the plant to harvest vegetables. it may be not overly harmful, but why take the chance is my thought

And Gold miners will drink Mercury to prove it is not toxic and it only proves they have no brain.
Malathion is extremely toxic and that is the reason to use it (and a reason not to),
I agree with gonewild, do check they aren't dead, as scale will stay stuck onto the leaves after dying.

I have been fooled before!