Problem with ST?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2009
Reaction score
Is there a problem with ST? There is very little activity since about 5 AM.:confused:
Subsequently, I think tapatalk is on the fritz.
I actually HAD to use a computer. Egad!
Yeap, indeed!! I could not even get on the slippertalk page... Now it is all back to normal :D Thanks Heather!!! :D:D:D
Where is everybody???? There's only a couple of us online and it looks like there's hardly been anyone here in the last 24 hours...? <cricket noises>

I've had problems getting on for the last two days, with different computers and different browsers. Seems to be fixed now. We'll see...
some people over in the BigLeafOrchid forum are saying that they still can't get on.
I tried on my laptop, an older machine than the one I'm on now, using 4 different browsers, but none of them could get on. But here I am on ST using my newest computer and Safari, with no problem getting on. I don't understand...