Prince Edward of York (sanderianum 'Lady in Red' x rothschildianum 'New Horizon' FCC/AOS)

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Thank you for posting. My basic wish-list was answered. I especially wanted the red pouch, and for the petals to have some shoulder and some twisting. The plant itself seems quite vigorous. :)
That's nice to hear. I should have clipped the stake - a "terrible" breach of aesthetics. But this is my first and I really didn't know what it was going to do. :)
Now I want a real sanderianum. I have a large under-light orchid bench in progress. I thought foolishly that I could fill it with cattleyas. There are two stages of orchid mania: The original orchid-bug, and then the Paphiopedilum variant. I don't think there's a vaccine for either one, thank goodness.
Nice, that's a lot of bloom for a single growth plant. Good acquisition, thanks for sharing.
It is a lot of bloom, isn't it? I don't know standard practice for selling BS divisions of these sanderianum-type multi-florals. It would have been produced by a larger plant and then divided off for sale? What I'm wondering is how long it may be before this happens again.
It's always a feast for the eyes to see these nice flowers of a PEOY.

.........What I'm wondering is how long it may be before this happens again.

Depends on your culture......but definitely not in one yaer time. Two or three years should be realistic, I think.
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I hope you don't think this plant is a division. That's not Sam's practice. He does have a category call, 'Select' on his website for plants he deems high quality of previous bloomed or divisions of awarded or potentially awardable plants. I have this same cross and it was a single fan with 3 flowers which will take 2 years to rebloom. As a side note, I bought another PEOY from him of a different mating which should be here Wednesday. I imagine it will be a single, maybe with a start, in spike. Its not uncommon to bloom multies from single fans.
I hope you don't think this plant is a division. That's not Sam's practice. He does have a category call, 'Select' on his website for plants he deems high quality of previous bloomed or divisions of awarded or potentially awardable plants. I have this same cross and it was a single fan with 3 flowers which will take 2 years to rebloom. As a side note, I bought another PEOY from him of a different mating which should be here Wednesday. I imagine it will be a single, maybe with a start, in spike. Its not uncommon to bloom multies from single fans.
I hadn't really thought it through. Makes sense. Thanks for the timing info too! Looking forward to pictures of your new one.
Really? Thanks. I like the colors a lot. I think it can be better. Hopefully with future blooming... There is evidence in the first flower for the characteristics that miss. A little more shoulder and heft to the petals. The petals of the final flower show a stronger tendency to twist. It will be an adventure to nurture this plant for many years.