Phrag besseae

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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2007
Reaction score
Luxembourg - Europe
When I came home after a week off, quite some buds have transformed into blooms; the most spectacular and one of my absolute fav. species is besseae:


And here a pic of the plant, where you can see that 2 more spikes are on their way!! I am really happy with this year's flowering, last year's blooms aborted after a serious sunburn during summer!


Great plant, Jean! Very nicely grown... I'm going to show this picture to my Phrag. besseae.
Now thats a nice looking besseae. The flower looks so clean, like red velvet. Spectacular plant too Jean. Could you tell me what this one is potted in. I bet the clay pot keeps the roots nice and cool. I hope to have a besseae like this someday.
Very healthy looking plant. Well grown. Very well balanced flower with good colour.

Great besseae! A healthy plant that will surely reward you with more blooms :)

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That's a nice husky plant.Don't remember having seen one with so msny growths.
Nice! I like the presentation of the plant. Don't besseas usually climb instead of clump like that? How did you do that? I haven't seen many specimen-size, multi-spike besseaes like yours.
It has been repotted into the clay pot with bark mix summer last year after the sunburn! Here what it looked like beginning of april this year when I topdressed it with crushed shells!! Jean

I can't believe I didn't notice how it clumps and doesn't climb. You have a great plant, and lucky to get one with that trait. It is the curse of the besseae. I did notice that the tag says 4n. You are the thrid person recently that said how they topdress besseae with oyster shells and had a great plant. Someone at my society brought in a poor looking besseae with one growth and gave it away. The person who got it brought it back in blooming with about five growths. They said that it really took off after they planted it in bark/rock mix with alot of oyster shell. Wbich is weird because besseae is always said to like more acidic conditions.