philippinense seedlings

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Leo Schordje

wilted blossom
Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
NE Illinois
It must be the season for philippinense. Here are two Paph. philippenense seedlings, from the same flask. The cross was philippinense 'Aggazi' x philippinense 'Taylor's select'. I suppose the hort designation for these would be roebelinii, or at least they seem to conform to that type. They are both first bloom seedlings. They are still small plants, in 3 x 3 inch square pots. I assume they will get larger as they mature as I believe the clone 'Aggazi' was a large growing 'robelinii' type philippinense. I hate to admit it, but due to my occasionally less than perfect culture, these seedlings have taken ten years to go from flask to blooming the first time. I set them back a couple times, most of their 'flask mates' did not survive the various disasters these plants have been subjected to. These are the tough ones, the survivors. I may hang on to them for that reason alone. I think they are good enough in flower quality to keep to bloom again, I hope that in the future they will put out more impressive flowers.

the larger of the two seedlings, it has a wider dorsal than the second, but a slightly short dorsal length and shorter vertical natural spread.


the smaller growing of the two seedlings, it has the longer dorsal, and longer vertical natural spread, but the segments are slightly narrow, compared to the first.

:drool::drool: You have to keep 'Survivor' & 'Warrior', maybe a sib cross, they'll be blooming in no time now that you have the culture right! :wink: