Taiwanese Rothschildianum 2024

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2019
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Easily my most vigorous orchid. Purchased from HOF in 2019 with unknown parentage it bloomed for me in 2021 (link) and 2022 (link), and after taking a year off now in 2024. A year ago I started supplementing my south-facing window where this grows with some LEDs and also ramped up the fertilizer. For the first time last summer it broke multiple leads, and actually had two sheaths this year. Unfortunately, the sheath on the larger of the 2 growths blasted, but the smaller growth is putting on a nice show. It's not my nicest roth in terms of quality, and it's certainly never going to win any awards, but it's at a respectable NS 30 and DS 5.6. One big plus for this plant is how vertical and flat the dorsal sepal stands, it's not cupped and hooded like many roths. It's also vigorous and a reliable bloomer, so it will always have a place on my windowsill!
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Of course not every Roth has to be awardable. But every Roth for my money is enjoyable! Yours is no exception. 😃❣️
I find it a real treat to see them all.
I go back and forth between Cattleya purpurata and Paphiopedilum rothschildianum as to which is my absolute favorite orchid. Feet to the fire, I would pick a Roth I guess!
Impressive, stately, dominating, are just a few adjectives I could use here but let me stick with handsome. I enjoy seeing every one! Congratulations NEslipper! 👍
One of the better roths I've seen; the most important thing is the petals stance is almost horizontal. I personally would not even award most of the roths more recently awarded; they've had decades to breed for horizinbtal petals and have ignored it completely. The hang-down look of motst roths still today is a disappointment.
A very nice stance. And nice white background contrast.
Thank you, the white background is a little distracting, but the colors match what I see in front of me. The black background washes out the colors a little bit, you can tell by the leaves.
One of the better roths I've seen; the most important thing is the petals stance is almost horizontal. I personally would not even award most of the roths more recently awarded; they've had decades to breed for horizinbtal petals and have ignored it completely. The hang-down look of motst roths still today is a disappointment.
This is what I love about orchid appreciation, there's an element of subjectivity or "beauty is in the eye-of-the-beholder" to it. I personally find perfectly horizontal petals unattractive, I prefer a slight down-sweep to the petals, similar to what this one has. Although, I'm not bothered by completely down-swept petals since it provides some nice variability (I have some in my collection)! I agree with you, I would not think of awarding most of the recently awarded roths, but for a reason different than petal stance - I think quality awards should be given to flowers that at least meet or exceed the quality of previously awarded plants!
Oh my, what huge leaves you have my dear!

IMHO? It’s a lovely representation of the species.
Thank you! Yes, it’s a lot of leaf…the plant is something of a monster. I just wish I could get another flower on the spike with all that leaf mass!
Thank you! Yes, it’s a lot of leaf…the plant is something of a monster. I just wish I could get another flower on the spike with all that leaf mass!
I remember reading somewhere that numbers of flowers per spike is dependent on numbers of leaves on the growth before the spike is set? Can anyone speak to that?
Very nice blooms on a vigorous looking plant. How did you ramp up the fertilizing?
Instead of fertilizing weakly weekly, I started fertilizing twice a week weakly during the summer growth season. I also sprinkled a little nutricote slow-release fertilizer into the pot.