Paphiopedilum venustum 'Astrid' AM/AOC

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2008
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia
A nice clone of this lovely species.

Paphiopedilum venustum 'Astrid' AM/AOC


David, I like this species with its brainy patterns on the pouch very much and this is an extraordinarily good clone of it and well photographed, too. 👌
Very nice, venustum, David!

I like this species with its brainy patterns on the pouch
As they say, Rudolf, it's all in the eye - or maybe in this case more precise, in the mind of the beholder! I really love this species and the reticulation of the pouch, but it has always led my thoughts more in the direction of a cross between cooked cod roe: and a close up of another pouch, namely the scrotum (pardon my french - though, I will in this latter instance spare you the photo example! ;) )
I never had any luck blooming this species.
I once bought a flask and all the seedlings did really well growing at much faster rate than expected.
About three years out of the flask, most were of near blooming size based the size comparison of others in bloom I have seen.
I did give most away and only kept one compot bursting of big seedlings but those never bloomed.
I did eventually get tired and lost interest so gave those away too in the end.
I never had any luck blooming this species.
I once bought a flask and all the seedlings did really well growing at much faster rate than expected.
About three years out of the flask, most were of near blooming size based the size comparison of others in bloom I have seen.
I did give most away and only kept one compot bursting of big seedlings but those never bloomed.
I did eventually get tired and lost interest so gave those away too in the end.
I am growing out a flask of an Alba version. Out of flask they are doing surprisingly well, but hopefully they will bloom.
I never had any luck blooming this species.
I once bought a flask and all the seedlings did really well growing at much faster rate than expected.
About three years out of the flask, most were of near blooming size based the size comparison of others in bloom I have seen.
I did give most away and only kept one compot bursting of big seedlings but those never bloomed.
I did eventually get tired and lost interest so gave those away too in the end.

I have had a couple of clones and I have found them to be very reliable and seasonal flowerers. I grow mine outside in a greenhouse. You grow all your Paphs indoors don't you? Under lights? I wonder if they get the seasonal cues they require to flower.
I have had a couple of clones and I have found them to be very reliable and seasonal flowerers. I grow mine outside in a greenhouse. You grow all your Paphs indoors don't you? Under lights? I wonder if they get the seasonal cues they require to flower.
My venustum seedlings were all growing near the window. They grew so well, bigger than I'd like. They just never flowered.
I mean wardii and other similar species that require warm/intermediate summer with cooler winter blooms well for me, so I don't know what was up with those venustum.
Maybe I needed to wait just a little longer. Or the winter wasn't cold enough, which I doubt based on other indoor growers that successfully bloom them. I don't know exactly why. I'm thinking I might have said bye bye too soon.
My interest gradually ran out on them while I was busy growing other stuff. I get distracted easily. hahaha
Wait, do you keep venustum outside even in the winter? I know it is not extremely cold there but it does get down to near freezing, doesn't it??
Then, again, venustum does come from the foot of Himalayas where it can get pretty chilly.
I am growing out a flask of an Alba version. Out of flask they are doing surprisingly well, but hopefully they will bloom.
Strangely, the album venustum bloomed just fine for me. Go figure! I think I got rid of mine too soon. but it's too late now. haha
Wait, do you keep venustum outside even in the winter? I know it is not extremely cold there but it does get down to near freezing, doesn't it??
Then, again, venustum does come from the foot of Himalayas where it can get pretty chilly.

I grow it in my heated glasshouse (minimum temps around 15oC). So I don't think it needs to get real cool to flower. I think the length of the day may be a more important trigger of flowering.