Paph. philippinense var. compactum f. aureoviride

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experienced greenhorn
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Oct 23, 2006
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I got this plant in June 2020 from Popow (the shipping was still made by the late Bosha P.) and this is its first flowering. It's been growing very well under my indoor condiditons and a new sprout is emerging already. So I'm very pleased with it.

08159_22.01.03_paph philippinense var. compactum f. aureoviride.jpg

08160_22.01.03_paph philippinense var. compactum f. aureoviride.jpg
I got this plant in June 2020 from Popow (the shipping was still made by the late Bosha P.) and this is its first flowering. It's been growing very well under my indoor condiditons and a new sprout is emerging already. So I'm very pleased with it.

08159_22.01.03_paph philippinense var. compactum f. aureoviride.jpg

08160_22.01.03_paph philippinense var. compactum f. aureoviride.jpg
Stunning!! How big is the plant?? Compactum is by the size??
Stunning!! How big is the plant?? Compactum is by the size??

Yes, compactum means a more compact growth and slightly smaller blooms. This variety was described by O.GRUSS, ROELLKE&ROETH in 'Die Orchidee' in 2008. The leafspan of the plant is ca. 30 cm.
Yes, compactum means a more compact growth and slightly smaller blooms. This variety was described by O.GRUSS, ROELLKE&ROETH in 'Die Orchidee' in 2008. The leafspan of the plant is ca. 30 cm.
I had never heard about the var compactum, thanks for the explanation!😉
paphio ✅ species ✅ albino ✅ beautiful flower ✅

...all my boxes checked Rudolf.. Mine is working on a flower as well. Will post when opened.
A great one!
I wholeheartedly agree!
This variety was described by O.GRUSS, ROELLKE&ROETH in 'Die Orchidee' in 2008. The leafspan of the plant is ca. 30 cm.
That might be, but, Rudolf, according to the gospel of your beloved Kew (in the new site to which they either contributes or which they maintain) only two varities of philippinense are accepted, namely the typical variety, var. philippinense, and var. roebelinii. Other varities are sunk into synonymity with var. philippinense.
(Notice, though, that they notoriously continue the misspellling of the name of var. roebbelenii as 'roebelenii'. As Braem already in his monography with Chiron (2003) pointed out the correct name ought to be var. roebbelenii, since the plant was named after Carl Röbbelen, a swiss orchid collector working for Sanders. Reichenbach fil. originally published this variety as a species good in itself, i.e. as Cypripedium Röbbelenii. It was with the rest of the genus transferred to Paphiopedilum. According to The International Code of Nomenclatura for algae, fungi, and plants the German letter 'ö' (a so called diacritical sign) can not be used in scientific names and should be replaced by an 'oe' (Ch. VIII, sec. 1, art. 60.7). Hence the correct name P. philippinense var. roebbelenii. As Braem with Chiron validly published the correction of the spelling error, there is NO reason and NO excuse what so ever to perpetuate it!):
.......That might be, but, Rudolf, according to the gospel of your beloved Kew (in the new site to which they either contributes or which they maintain) only two varities of philippinense are accepted, namely the typical variety, var. philippinense, and var. roebelinii. Other varities are sunk into synonymity with var. philippinense.......

Jens, you are right! KEW Science has listed only two varieties. Believe it or not, I had a look at this page and noticed it before I wrote my post. Nevertheless, I decided to name my plant the way I did it. The main reason is....and this learned I here.....that KEW Sciece is important but not the last instance. On the other hand O. Gruss dedicated 4 pages of his newly published book to this variety (pages 307-310).

...... that they notoriously continue the misspellling of the name of var. roebbelenii as 'roebelenii'.....
As you can see here KEW Science spells the name correctly.
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Due to the size differences, it is warranted to separate from the normal size forms for breeding purposes to trace vegetative growth patterns. Kew will need to update soon with new descriptions.
Due to the size differences, it is warranted to separate from the normal size forms for breeding purposes to trace vegetative growth patterns. Kew will need to update soon with new descriptions.
"Separate...for breeding purposes" might be a spurious reason for taxonomic differentiation! Though, could a distinct geographical separation in habitat from the typical variety and consequent reproductive replication in the compact form be proven, it might help arguing your case, Leslie. Otherwise, I think, you "for breeding purposes" will have to take recourse to designating it as '...var. compactum (Hort.)'.
"Separate...for breeding purposes" might be a spurious reason for taxonomic differentiation! Though, could a distinct geographical separation in habitat from the typical variety and consequent reproductive replication in the compact form be proven, it might help arguing your case, Leslie. Otherwise, I think, you "for breeding purposes" will have to take recourse to designating it as '...var. compactum (Hort.)'.
Vegetative differences is one of the criteria for variety separation in taxonomy FYI.
As you can see here KEW Science spells the name correctly.
Rudolf, I've clicked on your Kew link several times and I get the same page each time. It says Kew at the top with a detailed description of philippinense but the images that display are of a beautiful Michael Koopowitz if I'm not mistaken, rather then a philie. Of course my phone is old and weird things have happened.
Rudolf, I've clicked on your Kew link several times and I get the same page each time. It says Kew at the top with a detailed description of philippinense but the images that display are of a beautiful Michael Koopowitz if I'm not mistaken, rather then a philie.......

Rick, I think you're absolutely right !This isn't a problem of your 'ol' phone. The pictures on this page show a MK instead a philie ! To be honest, I didn't have a look at the pictures at all....I only looked if 'var. roebbelenii' is misspelled or not.

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