Paph exul in-situ pics...

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Interesting to see how and where they grow, but as I have one (?) in bud, I would have been interested to see what this looks like :)!!!

(not too easy to cut and paste the adresses of all these pics)

30-50meters above sea level is still pretty low. Very exposed. I bet bright and warm all the time.

Interesting that leuchochilum was identified in the same local as niveum (although the only flower to verify was niveum).
Rick, I think niveum can be found in Thailand too.. But niveum's distribution extends to the Malay Peninsular whereas leucochilum is not found south.. I find it interesting to see exul growing on bare rock in such exposed areas.. I wonder how dry the dry season is... the thick leaves must conserve water very well, or maybe it is semi-deciduous..?
My problem Rick was keeping the watering wand out of the pot:mad:
HMMM I tend to water a lot too, but you can probably see by the pics, there is a lot of plant for the pot. I use a CHC mix, and there is a lot of limestone gravel in the bottom to take up maybe 1/4 of the depth.
Thanks for the links, Eric. I couldn't see them through the site they came off of.
The niveum looks to almost be growing lithophytically! Very interesting.
Thanks for the pics. What I'm taking away from this is confirmation that they really can take a LOT of light.

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