Paph druryi, callosum and lowii

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2008
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia
Here are three Paph species currently flowering. It has been a while since I flowered the druryi. That thing rots if you looks at it the wrong way.

Paph druryi

Paph callosum (Shirley x Dark)

Paph lowii 'Celebes'

I second that! Do you grow your druryi with a lot of non-porious components, such as, rocks? Beautiful markings on it BTW. Your lowii looks very yellow, is it really?
They all look wonderful David:clap::clap:

All look to have multiple healthy growths too.

Has the druryi rot issue seem to abate since going low K?

I'm hoping for some blooms from mine this summer.
I like the collosum and lowii. The lowii has very dark colors and the pouch seem to be a real brown color. Don't usually see them like that. Very interesting.
my favorite is the first in order.
stay it so, not fully open?anyway cute flower, and strong plant.
I second that! Do you grow your druryi with a lot of non-porious components, such as, rocks? Beautiful markings on it BTW. Your lowii looks very yellow, is it really?

Yes, it is pretty chunky mix with rocks added and the plant is pretty close to the fan as well.

In terms of the lowii, are you talking about the leaves? They are pretty light in colour. I think they get strong light. This is a good strong plant that flowers every year, unlike all my other lowii's. Might even get multiple spikes next year.

Has the druryi rot issue seem to abate since going low K?

Maybe a bit but I'm sure I lost a couple of growths to rot earlier this year. Maybe with time this will be less of a problem. Fortunately it is producing lots of new growths.

Thanks for posting. Bloomin druryi are very uncommon. BTW, about that lowii...:eek:. Not a common variety! :D

I like the collosum and lowii. The lowii has very dark colors and the pouch seem to be a real brown color. Don't usually see them like that. Very interesting.

I think this plant originally may have been a wild collected plant. I doubt it would has been bred. The flowers are quite small but different. The leaves are much smaller than my other lowii's as well.

my favorite is the first in order.
stay it so, not fully open?anyway cute flower, and strong plant.

Anna - that flower is fully open. I think it is pretty typical that the dorsal doesn't flatten out.
Very nice druryii...good colour. I like the lowii too. It looks like one of the newer types as in Birks book which may have a name change someday?