Paph charlesworthii fma. sandowiae '#2'

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ST Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
North central Minnesota
Just opened, growing in a 2 1/4 inch pot.
wow stuning one !:clap:

I have so many questions for you :

-what is the leafspan on this plant
- is it some offsring from "Pride of Tokyo" ?
- what is the flower NS ?
wow stuning one !:clap:

I have so many questions for you :

-what is the leafspan on this plant
- is it some offsring from "Pride of Tokyo" ?
- what is the flower NS ?

Leaf span: It is a 2 growth, first bloom plant. The blooming growth has a span from tip to tip of approx 27cm (10.5 inches)

Origin: This plant came from a flask purchased from Sam Tsui. The parents were half sandowiae sibs selected from the Orchid Zone. The resultant cross was anticipated to yield about 25% sandowiae flowers.

Flower dimensions: NS: 6.8cm, DW: 5.5cm, Total height: 7.0cm All measurements are approximate.
This looks like a very good product of a 2 step cross to produce better albino Paph charlesworthii's. It is proportioned very well and better than many var. sandowiae. It is close to award quality and will probably get better when it gets a bit more mature.
Leaf span: It is a 2 growth, first bloom plant. The blooming growth has a span from tip to tip of approx 27cm (10.5 inches)

Origin: This plant came from a flask purchased from Sam Tsui. The parents were half sandowiae sibs selected from the Orchid Zone. The resultant cross was anticipated to yield about 25% sandowiae flowers.

Flower dimensions: NS: 6.8cm, DW: 5.5cm, Total height: 7.0cm All measurements are approximate.

thanks for the info

the more I look at your picture, the more I like it....
Ernie, are you coming up to the Minn Landscape Arboretum to lecture in March? I heard you were a possible speaker.:)

Yes sir! Put a good word in with your weather man for me. My luck here has been miserable.
