Thanks. Awards? Don't interest me I'm afraid.Beautifulflower! Awards?!
Masdevallia coccinea 'M. Wayne Miller' AM/AOS, Masdevallia coccinea 'Seattle Gold' AM/AOS, and Masdevallia coccinea 'Crestwood' AM/AOS are all the same cultivar only the names have been changed to protect the guilty. Imagine the odds of finding three distinct xanthic Masdevallia coccinea in nature. The one diploid clone of Masdevallia coccinea is xanthina 'Especial' from Colomborquidias and should be the gateway to creating not only more xanthic cultivars but also treating the mother flasks with oryzain in the production of fertile tetraploids and amphidiploids.
We had tried for many years as have many other growers to get viable seed from crossing the 3N xanthic yellows to no avail. We were successful in crossing the 2N Masd. coccinea xanthina 'Especial' x Masd. coccinea alba, all flowered in pink to violet, not a one yellow. These seedlings should have been sib crossed for yellows in the next generation.Thanks orchidsmaven. Interesting.
I have just crossed this with a more vigorous and very floriferous M. coccinea alba. Hopefully some yellows will result or maybe they will throw back to pink/purples again??