• Thread starter Bob Wellenstein
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Bob Wellenstein

I wasn't going to post anything, but in making the change was surprised to find how many unique hits we get for not having updated in ages. We are moving the site, and because I do not know what I am doing I am sure that there will be down time or problems with the files on the new site for a bit. There is also the problem of the new DNS info washing through the the entire system. I hope down time is minimal, but don't want to start any rumors. Of all the activities I've been involved with, it seems some orchid people are very eager to create/spread rumors. Quite the contrary, moving to the new site is going to let me do things I've wanted to do for ages, so many features and gizmos, and if any time permits I'll update content.
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Thanks for letting us know! Your site is a valuable resource to slipper growers everywhere and it's wonderful to learn that the site and all its valuable resources will be available in the future.

...Of all the activities I've been involved with, it seems some orchid people are very eager to create/spread rumors.

You know, I had heard this - but though it was just a rumor.
Your site is great and very informative!!! Thank you...:D I hope every change goes pretty smooth!!!!!
I have fond memories of waiting for ages for photos and articles to download from your site over dial-up back when I was first getting into orchids, so I'm looking forward to browsing the new one (w/ High-speed internet)! :)
I have found your site invaluable at times so I hope that everything goes well with the move and I'm really looking forward to the new version.
Appreciate everyone's comments. The move seems to be not too traumatic, some images didn't make the new server, but I'll be checking through and getting them reloaded as time permits. Not too bad as there were 12,900 files at 2 GB to upload! Thanks all. I really like your sense of humor Scott.