Its freakin' snowing!

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Jun 9, 2006
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Mid Michigan
Not just snow, thunder snow. We have an honest to god blizzard going on outside my window right now.

This is not fair! I love snow, but this has got to stop! :viking:
Yep it is snowing here in Minnesota too! This morning when I woke up it was 23 F with a windchill of about 15 above O. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr winter is coming....
You have it worse than me... It was above freezing, at least when I came in. Who knows by the time I go home. Snow isn´t actually sticking to the ground
We got a lil' dusting last night but I was expecting it. I could swear around 3 am I heard a snow plow go by so this morning I was dreading looking out the window. Must have been something else. I really despise the miserable white plague.:viking:
What's thunder snow? Is it just a snow storm with thunder or some kind of special snow? I've only seen it snowing twice, but both times have been mild with fluffy flakes.
The cold front is moving through here today. It was 68 earlier but temps keep dropping. I heard a prediction for a heavy frost but nothing about snow
"winter is coming"

I wish he'd hurry up with the next volume and it had better be good. (Song of Ice and Fire series)

thankfully still 40s at night here - the aussies are still outside.

I love snow but only on non-work days....
adiaphane said:
What's thunder snow? Is it just a snow storm with thunder or some kind of special snow? I've only seen it snowing twice, but both times have been mild with fluffy flakes.

Snow storm with thunder... Doesn't happen all that often.
Didn't get any snow at our house... but the snow level was only a few hundred feet above us, so the foothills and the mountains have beautiful white tops. I'm not really a huge fan of snow, but it is pretty :)

- Matt
NYC predicting into the 40's these next few nights. If they turn on the heat I'll be up and down all night adgjusting the windows for airflow. :mad:
Heather said:
Buffalo got like 2 feet!

Girl, you gotta look at both sides of those things. All the ones I've seen have four feet. Hooves to be exact. You're welcome.:noangel: