I'm not sure where to put this information so feel free to move it if indeed it is in the wrong spot. This morning I just received this from Jamie. I thought that others might like to know.
Hi International Slipper Orchid Symposium Attendees,
After much consternation, we have decided to go ahead with the 10th Symposium at Frank Smith's urging.
It will again be on the first Saturday in November. 11/03/07
The Champagne BBQ would be at Krull-Smith.
Frank is looking for a place to hold the presentations near there.
I will contact the speakers I had lined up or find new ones.
It will be GREAT!
I will not stress out this year!
Thanks a lot!
PS email me with your thoughts. Volunteers needed for BBQ and donations for the auction are solicited.
Sorry for taking so long to decide what to do. An explanation: Normally I lead a stressful life. The added stress of last years successful Symposium saw me with left side chest pains Saturday when I was out getting a slide projector. I knew it was just stress, so I did calming exercises. ( I just made that up as I don't know any calming exercises other than eating.) But, Monday brought severe right side pain and it wasn't until I broke out in a rash and googled my symptoms that I realized I had shingles which is a virus attack on the nerves related to mumps and occurs in old people from stress !
Plus in spite of the fantastic auction, we still lost money. So that is the story of why I've dithered so long on the 10th Symposium. Sorry, but plan on coming anyway!
Hi International Slipper Orchid Symposium Attendees,
After much consternation, we have decided to go ahead with the 10th Symposium at Frank Smith's urging.
It will again be on the first Saturday in November. 11/03/07
The Champagne BBQ would be at Krull-Smith.
Frank is looking for a place to hold the presentations near there.
I will contact the speakers I had lined up or find new ones.
It will be GREAT!
I will not stress out this year!
Thanks a lot!
PS email me with your thoughts. Volunteers needed for BBQ and donations for the auction are solicited.
Sorry for taking so long to decide what to do. An explanation: Normally I lead a stressful life. The added stress of last years successful Symposium saw me with left side chest pains Saturday when I was out getting a slide projector. I knew it was just stress, so I did calming exercises. ( I just made that up as I don't know any calming exercises other than eating.) But, Monday brought severe right side pain and it wasn't until I broke out in a rash and googled my symptoms that I realized I had shingles which is a virus attack on the nerves related to mumps and occurs in old people from stress !
Plus in spite of the fantastic auction, we still lost money. So that is the story of why I've dithered so long on the 10th Symposium. Sorry, but plan on coming anyway!