interesting "something" on cahnhii

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Alex, do you expect anyone here to use the publicity of an internet forum to tell the world that he has some illegal stuff to sell?
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Didn't think asking about this would be quite so :ninja: since people don't seem shy about showing pictures of their plants on the forum!!
Didn't think asking about this would be quite so :ninja: since people don't seem shy about showing pictures of their plants on the forum!!

I never like that men who pretend themselves like a saint. There are many of plant owning all of us what are obviously wild collected even these species are not on "black" list. There are many of stoneis, sanderianums, rothschildianums etc. on ebay with bare cutted mostly dead roots just digged out of jungle. I got an offer I accept it. Plant is strong, in low bud, I will try to propagate it. ( eg I have a sanderianum red petal with seed pod, too)...

Others: I think if I'd like to have a similar plant, I'd ask my question in PM instead of trying to leave others the blame. If you don't want to see it in bloom, never see this thread anymore.
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I never like that men who pretend themselves like a saint. There are many of plant owning all of us what are obviously wild collected even these species are not on "black" list. There are many of stoneis, sanderianums, rothschildianums etc. on ebay with bare cutted mostly dead roots just digged out of jungle. I got an offer I accept it. Plant is strong, in low but, I will try to propagate it. ( eg I have a sanderianum red petal with seed pod, too)...

Being a saint is off-topic here.
I'm just thinking posting your initial question in the open was u-n-w-i-s-e, just my 2 cents. Time will tell.
And, had you looked closer you would have found the answer yourself.
I don't think so.And if you don't interest in don't read and look at my pics and comments. I just took this pics here because I thought that very unusual thing a spontaneous germination in arteficial circumstances.
Dodidoki- I have seen the exact same thing. Is it common for seeds to germinate on roots or is it just a coincidence?
OK, not meaning to cause controversy! Although I asked the question in the open, people who wanted to be discreet about their own interests could just reply (and some did) as a PM, and by asking in the thread the question does reach a lot more people than approaching individuals....

Anyhow Dodidoki, was not intending to criticise (or prompt a criticism of) your starting of the thread in any way at all. And as far as the plantlet goes, my initial thought was that it's overwhelmingly likely to be a stoloniferous growth, until proven otherwise anyway. Many Paphs do this as we know. However, if you say it is on the tip of a root with (presumably) no stolon in sight, I guess it must be a seedling. It would make some sense if the roots of this plant have a mycorrhizal association, which may aid, or even be necessary for, germination of seed. Such a situation would be the norm for many of the temperate terrestrial orchids I've grown, not sure if this is usual for Paphs though.
If it was a stoloniferous growth I think the base at which the plant is developing would be larger. I have seen these and when they are separated there is clearly its own, individual root system.