ID Request - Paphiopedilum Wössner Wolke

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Grand Chupacabra
Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
Central North Carolina
Hi everyone, can I get your opinions? This was sold to me as Paphiopedilum Wössner Wolke (hangianum x emersonii). Let's just say, I am unconvinced. However just in case I'm mistaken, I thought I'd confirm with you all.

No flower photos, so I'm going entirely by foliage, but this seems like a case where the foliage says enough.




I agree with you. There is no way that is Wössner Wolke. The leaves would be plain green and shiny. Plus, no purple spots.

My gut feeling is that it is Mem. Larry Heuer.
I'm not guessing what it is, but it is unlikely a Woessner Wolke. About as unlikely as elephants can fly.
I agree with labskaus, very large leaves for a mlh, although it's the most likely candidate
While the plant size can vary, this is about the typical size of MLH I would say.
Mine is this big or slightly larger, and many MLH which I saw offered for sale at shows were all about the size of the plant in the photo above.
Thanks everyone for weighing in. It's very much appreciated.

While I'm certain this isn't Paph. Wossner Wolke, I wanted to get a second (and third and fourth and fifth and so on) opinion just in case. I'm still working with the vendor to get a resolution on this, they've contacted the breeder and are waiting to hear back. I know mix-ups happen for a multitude of reasons, and that they can happen to anyone, but this one is particularly disappointing due to the cost of the plant and the fact that I've admired and desired this hybrid for over a decade. Just when I thought I'd scored, this happens.

Eric: I fully expect to ship this back. However, if for whatever reason I'm told to hold on to the plant, I'll most likely keep it. This is very likely Memoria Larry Heuer or Shun Fa Golden, two of my favorite hybrids. That being said, I've already got plenty of those two hybrids, and I certainly wasn't in the market for another one, especially not at the price I paid.
My mlh has 7 growths and is a solid 3 inches smaller then yours on the largest growth, but as happy paphy7 said they vary in size