How's the weather?

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Several very nice days -- I've done a lot of weeding the past few days.

Glad to hear the bad stuff missed you -- hope that luck continues. For all of us!
Big storms keep sweeping past Oxford pa where I work, flooding and damaging places in south jersey, central pa, md and today West Virginia and va
And mostly not raining in Oxford. You can watch the storms slide to the south while it sprinkles

And watching the radar just now, this storm literally slid a half mile north of the greenhouses!

Well tapatalk won't load the image

But if you see the blue dot (my apartment) it's about to get nailed
Again. But since I've recently planted perennials out front I'm very appreciative :)

Elmer Nj
More rain and very hot weather. The rain is so hard that
it's beating down my perennial garden. Deer have decided
to bed down in the daylilies down my driveway. I suppose
stomped daylilies make a nice bed.
I LOVE the heat and humidity! Makes for good golf. (for me anyway) I still walk the course for the most part....although if it is a hilly course I will take a power cart in the heat.
Hot and sunny - so begins the true heat of summer that will last unbroken for the next 6 weeks or so. Highs peaking between 32-35 C on average and never a temperature below 24 C even in the middle of the night. Currently rather cool at 3:30 pm coming in at 30 C with the relative humidity only 68%. Can't complain!

Heat index of 117F right now. That's 47.2C. No joke. My plants are all outside right now. They're no wimps. We just came in from swimming.

I live in a climate where summer hits these temps and winter wind chills regularly hit -10F (-23C). How does one regulate greenhouse temps in these extremes? Seriously. I'm planning to build one in a few years. Any tips would be appreciated.
When it gets super hot you are better off removing any walls you have and maximizing your shading, even if you think it would be a bit too dark in the summer. For winter, if you have wind you'd want to have things sealed up very well because wind will find any crack and blow in, very quickly removing heat

National weather service yesterday predicted flooding today and tomorrow possible. Roadsides and fields are flooding, where I park my car in front of apt wide swath of running water halfway up sneakers and had to step through over them. It's just the first storm


:) but, it's no longer hot! Had no line at the state vehicle inspection station either ;)

Elmer Nj

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