How's the weather?

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Went up to 50 today...should top that tomorrow, but it will be rainy. I don't will wash away at least some of these snow mountains.
Well, it doesn't appear we got as much rain as they had predicted. A mixed blessing really because although it didn't cause flooding, it also didn't melt much of the snow and everything is icy. We're supposed to get some snow tonight.
Well it is now official.
The wettest winter in the Uk since records began in 1910.
Lots of southern England in the Thames valley and the Somerset levels still under water.
On the plus front we've had very few frosts and things are well on.
Cyp. formosanum and segawai are starting to grow.
I will post photos if there is a deafenings clamour for photos of green shoots!
Clear, -30C with a windchill making it feel like -40C. Will this winter ever end? But at least the sun will shine today!

Just when I think I have it bad, someone comes along and tells me different! Fort Wayne had a nice balmy day yesterday--it got to 30*F! But today, temperatures will drop to 20*F during the day, and overnight around 5*F. This will we our temperature for the next week or so. We're also expected to have another half a foot of snow--just in time to cover up the bald spots of dead grass in the yard.
*sigh* I agree with you Dot. This is not fun anymore. Its March for crying out loud....days should be getting warmer, NOT colder. :sob:
A toasty 7 degrees F. Last week when it warmed for a day I took the thin plastic sheet off of my bedroom window to let some air in. Now that it's dipped again I can feel the cold rolling off of those windows

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13 when I walked to work this morning...but it looks like this is the last of the real cold weather...should be 30's and eventually 40's the rest of the week.
We finally got above freezing for the last couple of days.....+10c with sunshine. Things were melting and it was gorgeous......

Today we are back in the deep freeze with a big winter storm. It's so cold and the whiteouts make driving near impossible.


Oh well, it could be worse. At least I can curl up on the couch with a book and my cats.