Just as the title suggests, I think a phal sharing thread is in order. I have recently filled up my only phal shelf, so I can't buy any more for the forseeable future. I grow violacea (sumatra, alba and coerulea), bellina and equestris. I have a few blue phals of different crosses, but none have bloomed yet. I think violacea just edges out equestris as my favorite phal species, so I will post a photo of the violacea v. alba that bloomed for me a while back. I also have a violacea v. mentawai blooming soon so I will post photos then.
So post your favorite or favorites. I wanna see pallens, amboinensis, pulchra or maybe your favorite hybrid. Let's see them!

So post your favorite or favorites. I wanna see pallens, amboinensis, pulchra or maybe your favorite hybrid. Let's see them!