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Multiflorals assassin
Jul 6, 2011
Reaction score
Montreal PQ
Hi! Here's the first blooming on my plant from the orchidinn (Sam).
Enjoy! :)


Beautiful! I have a few of these from Sam. 'Looking forward to seeing them grow up and bloom.

p.s. Happy plant! Not only is the single growth plant in bloom; but, it's got two new starts. It likes what you're doing!
Thanks guys. I bought a nbs (or blooming size) plant 'cause I really didn't feel like waiting five years to see it bloom :). A bit expensive and I still had to wait two years, but really worth it IMO.
That is exceptional!!! I would faint.

Good thing that the dorsal is meh. Otherwise I would have fainted for sure.. :p

I took some measurements : the NS is a little over 13cm, the petals are 5cm wide (2") and the leaf span is 28cm (11"). It's a little fragrant, but you have to stick your nose in the flower to smell that faint rose+ hangianum parfume. And the cross is "Wide Petals" x "Perfect Circle".
Nice blooming!!! Any growing tips, seasonal temp changes etc... for this one?
I mostly grow Phrags and orchids that enjoys intermediate temps and tap water. As you can see from the white deposit on the bark chips, the emersonii doesn't seem to be bothered with salt built-up :p Actually, from the dark luscious leaves on my plant, I think that it loves the extra calcium from my tap water.
I also don't really think that a species that came from line breeding is as finicky with temperature that one from the wild... That said, I do get the same temperature variation that the species seems to enjoy in the wild according to the slipperorchids.info website :mean temp: 13-26 celsius (55f-80f). As for watering, I water more (every 3-4 days) during growth and blooming (now) and about once a week in fall and I let it dry in winter (water every 8 to 10 days). But it does get cold in my growing area and it doesn't dry very fast). That's about it.

love the spots on the petals
I wasn't expecting that many spots and thought at first that it was weird.
So I guess that the one without the spots would be the huonglanae?

Very nice. Good call to get a mature one, they grow slowly.

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I so don't have the patience anymore with slow growing slippers... That said, I still bought three flasks from Hung Sheng last spring... :eek: lol