
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Thanks Carsten

Nice plant too, did you try to give more fertilizer or fertilizer stick on the top of the pot ? usualy roth hybrids are heavy feeder
I proceed like that at home with Gloria Naugle Dollgoldii, Delrosi etc
That is beautiful! I have never had any luck with these well done!

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Sorry for not asking, Eric. In fact, I had to reduce the picture quality to 20% in order to upload the photo.

Philippe, this plant gets no special treatment. Roth hybrids are doing fine and get large in my conditions. This plant stays pretty compact, whatever I try. Might be that armeniacum was the pod parent.

Thanks again to all for your Feedback!
Mine is getting larger and larger.
The low spike won't develop any further.
Quite frustrated. And I'm thinking of buying more just in case I get lucky with smaller & willing& beautiful one.
I must be crazy. haha

I know that malipoense takes a long time from spike to open bloom, but armeniacum is similar??
My Gold Dollar bought in low spike back in July is finally moving up.