Paph Season 2024

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Are they really that difficult? One of the judges at Asheville commented that the one I had on display there was only the second he had seen in his life. The first was mine in our show last year lol

Besides you have like 40 flowers on 'Mont Milais' right now, that's way cooler 😂
In his life? Pretty sheltered lol.

Well done esp that colorful Xantho.
One of your flask grown seedlings? Congrats!

Not my cross but yes grown from a Tawain-sourced flask. I believe it was 'TN Queen' x self. One of the first flasks I ever grew (well half-flask), back in 2006--18 years!

The plantlets were like 1-2cm across when I got them. I have 3-4 plants left, and this is the first plant that will bloom from that group.

A lot of bumps in the road and learning experiences over that period, so it is amazing that any of them made it this far.

I do have a tray of plants from the selfing I made about 10 years ago--they still have a few years to go.
Lovely P. stoneis, the both of them, Tony. So far I havn't seen one with such large and intense dark markings in the dorsal as in the flowers of the right plant.
Not my cross but yes grown from a Tawain-sourced flask. I believe it was 'TN Queen' x self. One of the first flasks I ever grew (well half-flask), back in 2006--18 years!

The plantlets were like 1-2cm across when I got them. I have 3-4 plants left, and this is the first plant that will bloom from that group.

A lot of bumps in the road and learning experiences over that period, so it is amazing that any of them made it this far.

I do have a tray of plants from the selfing I made about 10 years ago--they still have a few years to go.
Congratulations! That’s the same time it takes to raise a child to adulthood! I admire your perseverance. I’m glad that it resulted in such a lovely plant. At least you don’t have to pay for college.
Still getting a few blooms here and there, but most of the plants are well into the growing season now.

Gloria Naugle

Shun-fa Golden

Eva Weigner

Yet another disappointing Hilo Bald Eagle. This cross has been a real dud, I've only kept one plant so far out of at least a dozen bloomed.


The little adductum seedling has greened up a bit and is showing signs of life.

I don't remember if I posted this one but it was the most anitum-shaped one I've had so far. Most have been dominated by stonei in shape. I gave it to a society member.

Very interesting the first, Hilo Bald Eagle, the stonei shape and colour really dominated . No WBW influence seems to have come through.