Display snapshots from GROS Show

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Jan 22, 2008
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elmer, nj
I managed to find some time to take a few quick pics of some of the interesting displays at the Genesee Region Orchid Society Show setup last thursday evening. I may take some more this afternoon when our club goes there for our meeting this month if there aren't too many people and there aren't any interesting plants to buy downstairs! ;) Slippertalk member Mike from Main Street Orchids in Pa. is vending there, so asked him about more divisions of his nice paph armeniacum 'main street'; hope he has some left!

I'll make a few posts so that there aren't too many shots at one time, and also I have to get ready to head to our club to make the field trip carpool

I don't have names of the display owners; they hadn't been posted yet. note that some aren't finished yet and are a work in progress. my snapshots were a little shaky so these pics are just to give you a good idea what was there


side view of our (cnyos) display





some very nice plants in this display!
second installment

second batch (if you can't see them all, check back in a few minutes as they are uploading but I have to get ready for the show trip)



the pyramid of slippers! (sorry so shaky) some very nice plants, here!


closeup of slipper pyramid


another closeup of slipper pyramid



a very cool display with many hanging orchid spikes (again very shaky)
third installment

actually rochester had at least eight vendors from all over, a nice selection of different plants. rochester has lots of members many who are quite involved, and they did have some very nice displays, with lots of very interesting plants as well


a nice educational display with different types of media and plants


electric oncidiums!



yes, I know, terribly shaky. the hanging cymbidium flowers were so nice I still had to post them


again very shaky pic of excellent descending cymbidium flower spikes


a robiquetia but with only a few really 'open' flowers
Looks like that was a very good show! Eight good vendors is enough, lol.

For the lighting, I wish they used daylight florescent bulbs or cool white florescent bulbs, rather than those yellow incandescent ones. The yellow light makes it difficult to view the true color of the blooms
part of the problem is that each display had different little spotlights, and way overhead in the auditorium they had a different sort of large spotlight bulbs. the mix can make some funny colors and shading

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