Dilemma concerning purchases

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I usually put them in a compot with loose sphagnum for about a month or so them in a plug tray, seems to work pretty well for me...
It looks to me like some of the flasks don't have 8 viable seedlings. Maybe they will accept half price for those if you send the pictures and let them know you're unhappy.

I think pics 1,2,3,4,&6 don't have the promised amount of plants. Were the flasks advertised as "ready to remove and compot"? It looks like some of them should have left in the flask (if possible).
I'm not experienced with deflasking so take my comment with a grain of
salt. I'd ask for a total refund or a new flask. These tiny plants would scare
me to death if I received them with very little or no roots. If the vendor
leaves you hanging, out 'em!
As much as it pains me I sent out a check for the full amount this morning. Hopefully the vendor will made good on this purchase. I have bought several flasks from different vendors from the time of the original post; all exceptional. Needless to say I am done with this vendor, even though they have quite a few crosses/species that I really want...
Did you tell him you won't buy from him anymore?

If the person saw what I post on this site I am sure they would tear up my check and offer an apology. Think about it. I am an obsessive compulsive orchid buyer. I love to grow plants from flask and I am constantly changing my mind on what I really like, so I need a little of everything. I am the perfect customer. I have, since joining this forum bought 20+ Paph and Phrag flasks, ranging from $30 to $250, and still have another 10, at least on reserve/order. At very least 2 or 3 a month. I have local orchid show vendors that want me to grow out flasks, up to 2 inch pots anyway, so they can sell them at the shows I don't sell at. The ONLY reason I am disappointed that winter is coming is that I miss out on some really cool flasks because it is too cold to ship. I love to grow things. Certain crosses I plan on growing out for breeding stock, but even those I will select out the more vigorous growers and sell many of them before they bloom. Why would anyone NOT want me as a customer?
Unless you sent him a link to this thread and asked him to look at it, I'm doubtful he did. Believe it or not, not everyone knows Slippertalk exists. :eek:

Well after many weeks, photographs sent, emails exchanged I have some news. The vendor whom I purchased the questionable flasks has in my opinion totally surpassed my expectations and is an honorable and professional company. I was given a partial refund, which was more than adequate, Two of the flasks were replaced by ones that were in excellent condition, and an extra flask was sent(which I must also say is very uncommon and very difficult to find in any condition). I would still like the opinion of the slippertalk crowd to see if I should divulge the name of the vendor. Opinions please...
as this turned out well I would think it is a positive story for the vendor and yourself, they corrected the error, which is all you can really ask for
Bring in his name in an undirect but positive way somewhere else (f.ex. by opening a thread with pics of the last received flasks :) )!! Jean
I agree with cattmad, this is an example of a good vendor, who should be given kudos.

I am now in my 20th year of online sales, and as hard as this is to believe, I have, on occasion, screwed up on orders. My standard policy is to make it right immediately, and that has ended up making the potentially negative transaction at least acceptable, if not outright positive.

About the only exception was a guy who complained that the plants I sent were "loaded with bugs". I denied any claim as, 1) I had not seen any such critters in my greenhouse in years, and 2) the plant had been shipped to the customer six months earlier.

Ray Barkalow
Sent using Tapatalk
What, Ray -- you are not taking responsibility for bugs that appear on plants you shipped 6 months earlier?!!! :poke:

It's incredible that someone would expect you to.

I agree with the others. Maybe it's just curiosity now, but without knowing, a person can put the suspicion on all kinds of vendors.
OMG...six months is nothing! I had customer who came in for a total
refund for dogwoods he'd bought five years ago...and didn't ever bother
to water. When you deal with "the public", you have to deal with crazy
people occasionally. No, he didn't get a refund and I told him never to come back again. It felt REALLY goooood!
Woodstream Orchids; I business I HIGHLY reccomend!

After a rocky start and slightly lengthy transaction I am happy to report that Woodstream Orchids is not only a business that I would recommend, but I plan on being a repeat customer to many years to come. They gave me a partial refund on my original purchase and more than made up for any inconvenience by sending replacement flasks and an additional flask as well. The one complaint I have about them is that they might want to fix a few links to pictures of other available flasks which I am interested in. If you are interested in variety and don't need 20+ seedlings of slipper orchids I would suggest visiting their website and consider placing an order. A big Mahalo to Lynn and Bill for going the extra mile and making me a believer in honesty and integrity. Do yourself a favor, visit their website...
