Carnivorous Plants & Confusion

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Horse whisperer
Supporting Member
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
My new equilibrio carnivourous plants came today! ... Now what?

Will the plant fairy take care of them for me?

If not, what the *&^% do I do? Could anyone recommend a website with good cultural advice for the various genera? I'm trying not to ask a new version of the question I hate most... "I have an orchid, how do I take care of it?"

One specific question, though: How deeply should the Nepenthes be planted? The base seems to be sitting up a little high in its pot.

They are (from top left):
Drosera roraima
Sarracenia x Dana's Delight
Utricularia ssp.
Pinguicula agnata
Drosera spatulata
Nepenthes ventricosa


Play around with that one, it links to some helpful places. The guy is funny and he covers various different kinds (not much on nepenthes).

There is a book I remember being fairly good: The Savage Garden. Check that out.

and another site
International Carnivorous Plant Society or something like that.

I don't have a nepenthes so I can't help you too much there. Don't they tend to creep out of the pot anyway since they're vines? I don't know. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
Scratch that 'Drosera roraimae'... I am reasonably sure it is mistagged and should be Dionaea muscipila.

Thanks for the links, they've been very much helpful. I think now I have figured out how to make it so that the plants take slightly longer to die...

Your Nepenthes ventricosa is a highland species and prefer bright light and intermediate conditions. Apparently it is an easy species to grow. You should do a google on this this species to find culture info.

Sarracenias and Venus fly traps will do very well in an outdoor bog garden, at least here in lower NY (Z. 7) long as they are mulched with evergreen branches over the winter. Drosera's are great indoors as well as outdoors, and Nepenthes are great to, but they can get really rangy...and I've never had luck growing their cuttings. Take care, Eric
Hrm well I was hoping to keep the plants indoors to eat fungus gnats.

Based on the stuff I read on the net, I have these four sitting in a saucer of water:
Dionaea muscipila
Sarracenia x Dana's Delight
Utricularia ssp.
Drosera spatulata

Any advice on how often I should water these two?:
Nepenthes ventricosa
Pinguicula agnata


hey Stephan,
congrats on the new CP.

As for watering, i would water the N. Ventricosa at least once a week. P. Agnata, I would water at least twice a week.

hope this helps.
Well the CPs are still alive with winter coming. Is there something I should be doing differently with these 6 during the winter? Watering less or more or....?

all mine, except the nepenthes, sit in ro water all the time...
do any of your's go dormant in the winter or the summer? i have some that do...didn't know it at first and for some reason didn't throw them away, luckily...
just give 'em good light.
Hi Stephen,

Where you live you could be able to grow these outdoors year round and let nature take its course. but if you grow indoors they can go in refrigerator for a few months. keep moist. I don't let them freeze.
Dionaea muscipila = dormant, you can put in refrigerator in a plastic bag or keep outside in cold area.
Sarracenia x Dana's Delight = dormant, you can put in refrigerator in a plastic or outside in cold area.

Utricularia ssp.= this can be anything; some are temperate, some tropical, and on and on; it depends on what species take picture of plant or flower to id or better yet, ask the nursery.

these guys are tropical
Nepenthes ventricosa = same watering. keep moist + it is recommended that humidity is high at night. I grow my nepenthes in a little water but most people don't.
Pinguicula agnata = water less until this goes succulent in winter. I believe you let them dry out but I don't have personal experience with mexican pings; check this out before you try it:
Drosera spatulata = same watering. tropical, no dormancy necessary

These should be helpful:
Make sure if you overwinter them outside you protect them from deep freezes. I wouldn't just sit the pot on the porch for example. Dig a hole and plant it and mulch it pretty good. You want it to be cold for the winter, but you don't want a pot frozen solid for a few months, it will be mush when it thaws out.

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