Bulb. macranthum

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Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
This plant can get huge. This is a piece of Bill Porter's plant that has been divided many times.


I've never gotten more than one or two flowers on a large plant, and I've never seen one grown mounted that lived. How do you do it? I don't think I could keep it wet all the time mounted; and how do you get so many flowers at once? I give it high light, moisture, and fertilizer, but it doesn't perform like yours.
Very cool Dot. I have one with its first bud ready to open.

I actually recieved the plant as B. chinensis from Bob Fallen down in Al.

If it looks like a blooming run then might need to send each other some pollen to outcross.
Really well flowered plant!Some selections flowers much better than others,depending on origin...
I've never gotten more than one or two flowers on a large plant, and I've never seen one grown mounted that lived. How do you do it? I don't think I could keep it wet all the time mounted; and how do you get so many flowers at once? I give it high light, moisture, and fertilizer, but it doesn't perform like yours.

Really well flowered plant!Some selections flowers much better than others,depending on origin...
Valenzino has the key -- depends on the source. Bill's plant was loaded with flowers the last time it bloomed.

His plant grows like a weed, and hangs out all over the pot, crawling through the benches and getting tangled in anything around it. The last time I divided it, Bill didn't want to keep all the pieces (too many!), so I decided to experiment and mount one instead of putting it in a pot or basket. I water it at least every other day, and am growing it it bright, indirect in the cooler corner of my greenhouse. I don't know what I'll do when it outgrows it's plaque!
A great blooming you have there Dot, and well pict. again!!!!

I got a piece of this species some months ago from our member Brice; I mounted it on cork, and it got 3 blooms, and a new growth; so seems to do well! Unfortunately the blooms only lasted for a few days :eek: . Jean
A great blooming you have there Dot, and well pict. again!!!!

I got a piece of this species some months ago from our member Brice; I mounted it on cork, and it got 3 blooms, and a new growth; so seems to do well! Unfortunately the blooms only lasted for a few days :eek: . Jean
Unfortunately, that's true of most Bulbos. Then again, these flowers have dropped, but there are several more buds to open.
Valenzino has the key -- depends on the source. Bill's plant was loaded with flowers the last time it bloomed.

His plant grows like a weed, and hangs out all over the pot, crawling through the benches and getting tangled in anything around it. The last time I divided it, Bill didn't want to keep all the pieces (too many!), so I decided to experiment and mount one instead of putting it in a pot or basket. I water it at least every other day, and am growing it it bright, indirect in the cooler corner of my greenhouse. I don't know what I'll do when it outgrows it's plaque!

Cut off a piece and send it to me!
Is this the "Elephant Graveyard" Bulbo?

I thought the "elephant graveyard" legend was for African elephants, and this species is found all over SE Asia. This species doesn't smell bad either (a bit like cloves, but so far fairly faint compared to my patens).

Here's a pic of mine that I got from Bob Fallon a year ago. It was labeled as "cochinchinense" which seems to be a name derived in the 1950's. So far just a single flower, but often with Bulbos I get a few "scout" flowers followed a few weeks later by a big blooming.

This flower has a slight bluish cast which Dot captured much better with her pics.
I'm not realy into Bulbos but I like this one! Especially since you postet that it's not smelling!:wink: