Blc. King of Taiwan

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Feb 19, 2013
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Blc. King of Taiwan 'Splendiferous' AM/AOS (Blc. Bryce Canyon 'Splendiferous' AM/AOS x Blc. Purple Ruby)

This is the name on the tag. However, this plant has caused a bit of controversy in one of my societies as it’s AOS award does not show up. I’ll have to go back and check the AOS website again with their new software as it’s been almost a year, maybe this was updated. Would love to hear info about the award if anyone has it, I even tried to contact the seller, Norman’s (, no response.

At the end of the day it doesn’t really matter to me. First time I saw this plant at the meeting I was impressed with the sheer size and number of blooms. If you like magenta, this is a solid knock your socks off magenta and very fragrant. Two more buds coming along. I’ve only had this plant since January 2020, I was barely was able to up pot it as the roots have formed a hard moss ball, was concerned that I would destroy the roots so I slipped it into a larger Clay pot of orchiata. Seems to be OK. First bloom for me.


I got the update on orchidwiz recently and its not on there. Last award was to 'Wilson's Choice's' twice in 2012. I'm not sure if the encyclopedia updated happen with all awards updated
I got the update on orchidwiz recently and its not on there. Last award was to 'Wilson's Choice's' twice in 2012. I'm not sure if the encyclopedia updated happen with all awards updated
Thanks for checking. I have not updated my orchidwiz to the latest upgrade. I have a feeling it also will not show up in AOS. Probably a badly mislabeled plant by the vendor.
True!!!!! The catt tags all have that symbol on the blue tags. Did they all come from Horse Orchid Company ? hehehehe


The flower's colour is exquisite. Ultra nice.

And after seeing the photos of these flower pics, we are convinced that it gets the 'AM'.
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So I just checked the online awards on AOS Orchid Pro (the most up-to-date) and see no 'Splendiferous' award. Either it hasn't been submitted to the AOS registrar yet or it might be another clone like 'Orchis' AM/AOS. I will continue to investigate.
After contacting the awards registrar at AOS HQ, it looks like this award is not registered nor submitted. So it looks like there’s no AM attached to it. Which means you can resubmit for judging as an unawarded plant on next blooming (unless someone else gets the award first on this clone during this waiting period). Good luck!
Thanks for checking DLE!

At this site here: (link), they have the 'AM' label with the name. Although, at that same site, there appears to be two different cultivar names ----- one is 'Splendiferous', and the other is 'Splendiferous,Note: Amazing Fragrance!' hehehe
After contacting the awards registrar at AOS HQ, it looks like this award is not registered nor submitted. So it looks like there’s no AM attached to it. Which means you can resubmit for judging as an unawarded plant on next blooming (unless someone else gets the award first on this clone during this waiting period). Good luck!
Wow! Thanks for going through all the trouble to dig in and investigate this further. Sounds like it was a big mistake on someone’s part to sell the unawarded plant with an award name. Probably just got lost in translation at some point along the line. The flower is huge, but I’m not sure it’s AM quality. I did buy it knowing that I was unable to find the award because of it’s size and presence when multiple flowers are in bloom. I’m looking forward to growing it into a monster. Very good to know someone can move forward on the award. I’ll also let others in my society who have the plant know. That this plant does not have an award, and other can try their luck. Glad we have this posted and documented. Thanks again!
I hope, the seller returned your request for more info?

If not, due to the thorough investegation of Leslie (DLE), it's just a wee bit difficult to rid oneself of the suspicission, that "something is rotten in the state of Denmark" 🤭 - that the AM/AOS might be a strut in borrowed feathers! ☠
Blc. King of Taiwan 'Splendiferous' AM/AOS (Blc. Bryce Canyon 'Splendiferous' AM/AOS x Blc. Purple Ruby)

This is the name on the tag. However, this plant has caused a bit of controversy in one of my societies as it’s AOS award does not show up. I’ll have to go back and check the AOS website again with their new software as it’s been almost a year, maybe this was updated. Would love to hear info about the award if anyone has it, I even tried to contact the seller, Norman’s (, no response.

At the end of the day it doesn’t really matter to me. First time I saw this plant at the meeting I was impressed with the sheer size and number of blooms. If you like magenta, this is a solid knock your socks off magenta and very fragrant. Two more buds coming along. I’ve only had this plant since January 2020, I was barely was able to up pot it as the roots have formed a hard moss ball, was concerned that I would destroy the roots so I slipped it into a larger Clay pot of orchiata. Seems to be OK. First bloom for me.


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Correct. My last name also means horse in Cantonese. ;)
My husband agrees, he speaks Cantonese having lived n Hong Kong for a few years as a middle schooler.
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